Transport and Logistics Newsletter

How will its location benefit the distribution network in the east of England? Port One Logistics Park’s strategic location is not just key for avoiding the disruptions of bridge closures off the port, it ensures a seamless flow of goods once the trucks arrive at the Logistics Park, bypassing hurdles that often stymie distribution. This is reflected in the park’s design as a hub for e-commerce, as we have recognised the dynamic shift in consumer habits, with three-quarters of the site operating as a conduit for B2C commerce. Port One Logistics Park forms an integral cog in our region’s trade ecosystem, bringing together retailers, freight-forwarders, warehousing stalwarts, and transport, all relying on Port One to catalyse their operations.

Can you say something about the challenges you overcame? Like any other large-scale project there have been challenges to overcome, not least in dealing with the geography of the site. The ground was very uneven, in some places having thirty metre drops, which was a significant problem, given the millimetre-perfect structural requirements of the project. The solution came through moving over 500,000 m3 of soil and using eight different types of retaining structure to complete the nine buildings. There were also climatic issues, as the building work took place over a very hot summer, which meant that construction workers had to start work at 4am so they could complete their working day before the temperatures became too hot to continue. Are there plans to expand? There are currently two new warehouses under construction, adding nearly half a million square feet to Port One’s estate and by the end of 2023 three more warehouses will join the park. Port One also has additional plans for secure, gated lorry parking facilities with top- tier amenities, demonstrating a commitment not only to goods and vehicles but to the lorry drivers, ensuring their comfort and safety.

How has the project impacted the local economy? Port One Logistics Park reverberates with opportunity and its impact on the local community is palpable. This is echoed in the opening of a recruitment office on site, underlining the park’s commitment to local employment and growth. As rental costs escalate, Port One Logistics Park offers secure 24/7 access, clean and sustainable solutions, and increased capacity, coupled with the promise of 21st-century amenities at exceptional rates. As it matures into a key part of the UK distribution infrastructure, Port One has emerged as a testament to the perseverance and pursuit of excellence within the logistics sector in our region. It’s a transformative project which promises a greener and more prosperous tomorrow for all who embrace its offering.

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