Transport and Logistics Newsletter

Welcome to our Autumn edition of our Transport and Logistics newsletter

Welcome to our Transport and Logistics newsletter, aimed at businesses and individuals working in this sector. Listening to our clients, two of the major issues they are currently dealing with are sustainability and profitability, and we have a number of articles to help explain some of the questions that we are asked on those topics.

P urchasing a commercial vehicle such as a truck is certainly a major financial undertaking, and one that needs careful commercial consideration. On page 4, Ben Cussons, Associate Partner, looks at the pros and cons of leasing versus hire purchase and flags up some of the more significant points for vehicle and finance managers to note. The question of whether to switch to electric- powered vehicles is worth asking. Whilst electric trucks are still priced out of reach of many transport firms, smaller vans and commercial vehicles are now being used by many businesses. On page 12, James Tucker, Business Advisory Partner examines the current state of UK motoring on the path to zero emissions. Staying with finance, on page 8 we have an article on cash flow forecasting and how important it can be in determining the success or otherwise of a business venture.

Finally, we love to showcase some of the leading businesses across our region and to celebrate the work they are doing to grow our economy. On page 6 we profile Bacton Transport who have been around for over 90 years and recently achieved significant growth by working with their clients to achieve workable and sustainable solutions, such as taking on both storage and assembly on site in their new facilities near Ipswich. Further west, Port One Logistics Park promises cutting-edge storage solutions coupled with environmentally conscious logistics designed to maximise cleaner operations within a sustainable working environment. See more about Port One on page 10.

Our Transport and Logistics team works with businesses and organisations to support their management teams in identifying issues and risks and delivering targeted, cost- effective solutions and advice. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a specific concern you’d like to discuss or would like to find out more about how we can help your organisation.

Steven Burgess Audit Partner


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