Trip Report PFC Nigeria 2024

down. Inflation causes business owners to economize however they can and diesel is not inexpensive.)

Saturday, March 16

Dee shared the morning devotional during breakfast, and we then drove back to Grace Jesus Chapel for our all-day Basic Training Conference. At both conferences so far, the delegates sang the Nigerian National Anthem, which includes a prayer for Nigeria. Impressive and touching. Would to God one day we can do this in America. This is the first trip where we used no interpreters, be it in any of the prisons, and all conferences, and all government officials meetings. We were able to speak in English with everyone. Most of Nigeria in the Western urban areas we’re visiting speak English, so we don’t have interpreters. Chase does need to avoid slang however! Basic Conference Topics/Roles: Introductions / About Prisoners For Christ

Don Dee Bob Don

Why Do Prison Ministry

The Four Divisions of Prison Ministry Strategic Expansion (w/ Breakout Session)

Certified Prison Worker Program


Recall and Reward


Recruiting Volunteers (w/ Breakout Session) Bob Fund Raising For Your Ministry (w/ Breakout Session) Dee Developing and Advisory Council Ron Understanding the Code of Conduct Chase Closing / Setting Apart Don Flag Presentation Bob Global Prayer with Beachball Chase

These were the topics, with the presenter. Sometime the order changes, as it did on this day. Lunch was delayed and we shifted some items to accommodate the time situation, but all topics were taught in full. We consider the conference to be a smashing success, with great participation in the breakout sessions, and copious note


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