
Subvention de 28 100$

La Bibliothèque publique du canton de Russell s’est vue accorder une subven- tion de 28 100$ de la part de Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario afin d’améliorer les services à la clientèle jeunesse. Ces fonds seront utilisés pour financer l’achat d’équipement dans les succursales de Russell et d’Embrun, dont l’ajout de postes informatiques avec écrans tactiles et de tablettes électroniques à l’intention des enfants. On compte également instal- ler, à la bibliothèque de Russell, une clô- ture pour le projet extérieur Jardin ima- ginaire de lecture pour enfants , réalisé en partenariat avec la Russell & District Horti- cultural society. «Nous sommes extrême- ment reconnaissants à la Fondation Tril- lium de cet appui financier qui permettra d’accroître la qualité des services offerts à nos jeunes résidents, a déclaré le maire de Russell, Jean-Paul St. Pierre. De plus, le Jardin imaginaire de lecture pour enfants est un bel exemple d’un projet commu- nautaire nous permettant de bâtir une communauté plus solide et dynamique.» Nothing succeeds like success and the Pro Can Art Team’s annual garage sale fundraiser is proving very successful. The May 10 event to raise money for arthritis and prostate cancer is getting so big and popular that organizers host it at the Rus- sell Arena now. It began as a simple yard sale in the back yard of a private home. Organizers have also asked the township for an in-kind community grant valued at $585 through use of the arena for their event. Council gave unanimous approval to the request. Community grant approved Russell Township residents can get in on the ground floor of a new “garden green” recycling program from the municipal office. Council has approved a proposal to buy 40 home composters at bulk rate for sale to interested homeowners at the same cost. These composters sell for $70 in stores but the township will make them available for $40. The aim of the program is to encourage more composting of sui- table garden and kitchen waste and fur- ther reduce the amount of garbage going into the landfill. A childcare space agreement between Russell Township and one of the school districts is almost complete. Township administration has approval from council to work out the final details with Conseil des écoles catholiques de l’Est de l’Onta- rio for a before-and-after school daycare services contract involving Ecole élemen- taire catholique d’Embrun. The plan is to offer daycare at the site both before and after school during the regular school year and the designated daycare site would also be available when classes are closed during professional development days, during the annual spring break, and also during the summer holidays. Admin- istration will present the final contract for approval during a future council session. Daycare deal almost done Composter promo deal

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