

DocFest raises over $30,000


RUSSELL | The Russell Lions’ Club’s Do- cFest event raised over $30,000 for the Winchester and District Memorial Hospi- tal to purchase Panda Warmers for its bir- thing unit, and the money is still coming in. Lions’ Club president Marc Bourque re- ported a sold-out crowd of 280 attendees. He said they raved about the food and thor- oughly enjoyed the entertainment. This year special guest Dr. Gerry Heymans did not fall off the stage as happened dur- ing the 2010 event. Instead he danced to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, starting with a cast and crutches, then removing both and dancing up a stormwith zombies played by performers from Russell Meadows retire- ment residence. Other performers included Mike Miller playing “Doc’s Wee Buddy”, musical acts, and the Doc himself including an inter- view with the Dickie Family, who told how their daughter Gracie benefited by a Panda Warmer device. The residents of the house on Division Street in Vars that was destroyed by fire on March 29 will be the beneficiaries of the community’s generosity on April 26. A mega-garage sale and barbecue fund- raiser will be held on that day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the area between Foodland and Home Hardware in Russell. Homeowners Melissa Johnston, Kelly O’Brien and their baby boy Lachlin plan to rebuild, but they have an immediate need for assistance. Nothing was salvageable from the home. “They were quite literally left with the clothes on their backs,” said one of the organizers of the fundraiser, Ni- cole Jardine. Melissa Johnston is Gerald Johnston’s daughter. His wife Connie is the well-known Trivia Queen and for years her trivia night fundraisers have helped many local resi- dents in times of trouble. She has helped raise over $250,000 for local causes. Items for the sale can be dropped off on Tuesday April 15 or Tuesday April 22 at 400 Maple Street, Russell between 6 and 9 p.m. or on Thursday April 17 or Thursday April 24 CANDICE VETTER CANDICE.VETTER@EAP.ON.CA


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Marc Bourque, president of the Russell Lions Club, Ted Morrison, club member and event sponsor; and Henry Staal, chair of the DocFest 2 Committee present a cheque to Winchester District Hospital Foundation Board members, Tom Deacon and Karen Thompson, and Hospital CEO Cholly Boland. DocFest raised over $30,000 for the hospital neonatal PandaWarmers on March 29 in Russell.

et courez la chance de gagner des prix d'une valeur de 5000 $ Votez pour votre condo favori PORTES OUVERTES du 25 avril au 6 mai Lundi au vendredi de 14 h à 18 h Samedi et dimanche de 11 h à 16 h GUY LAFLEUR vous accueillera le dimanche 4 mai de 12 h à 16 h Session d'autographes et photos

The Panda Warmers can be used for all neonatals, even premature babies. Each warmer costs $15,000, so DocFest is able to provide at least two. “From the Lions’ Club’s perspective, the evening was a complete success,” says

Bourque. “But it isn’t just our opinion, peo- ple have been…heaping praise on the or- ganizing committee.” The committee was made up of Henry Staal, Marc Bourque, Ted Morrison, Julius Toth, Courtney Wade, Stew Bankley, Scott Cameron, and Dr. Heymans.

Fundraiser garage sale for Vars fire victims

Photo Candice Vetter

This home inVars was completely destroyed by fire onMarch 29. Now the community is holding a community yard sale and barbecue on April 26 to raise funds for the home’s residents.

7709 or . On- going information is also posted on face- book at Friends of Melissa & Kelly.

between 6 and 9 p.m. at 77 Olde Towne Av- enue, Russell. For more information, Nikki at 613 371-



Last chance for rain barrels


The opportunity to order rain barrels from the Russell Horticultural Society is almost over. They can still be ordered this week at or by contacting Lindley McPhail at 445-0754. Proceeds go towards the Children’s Fantasy Reading Garden beside the Russell Library. Rain barrels will all be available for pick up on Saturday, April 26th at Beyond the House at 144 Craig Street in Russell. (CV)

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