2020 Atrium Hospitality Successes

Building for our future. 

Atrium Hospitality’s core values of Perseverance, Respect, Inclusion, Service and Teamwork and our transparent and collaborative work environment help foster a spirit of par tnership throughout our organization.Where others were scrambling to adapt to extraordinary circumstances, Atrium seized the oppor tunity to reinvent our game plan.We work every day to build a stronger company and a healthy future.

C R E AT I ON O F E M P L OY E E R E S OU R C E G ROU P S As the U.S. experienced civil unrest and battled racial injustice, Atrium Hospitality created four Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). MakeYour Vote Count, Diversity & Inclusion Collective, Diversity in Recruitment, and Leader in Training, all managed by Atrium associates with the sole purpose of helping to foster a community of inclusion, diversity and training for our associates.

E T HO S WE L L N E S S Our proprietary premium guest room product provides a holistic approach to wellness for those who are no longer willing to sacrifice their health priorities simply because they are away from home.

C L E A N L I N E S S A S S U R E D In response to the COVID-19 crisis Atrium created and launched Cleanliness Assured, our enhanced safety standards and protocols developed by specialists trained in keeping guests and associates healthy and safe.

S P O R T S A S S U R E D We recognized that spor ts groups

were eager to travel again. Atrium’s Spor ts Assured program safely welcomes spor ts teams to our hotels and ensures athletes are safe, well rested, and ready to win!

A M E R I C A N R E D C R O S S PA R T N E R S H I P Atrium Hospitality is a proud par tner of the American Red Cross. Every year we donate several of our large event centers as blood drive locations. The blood drives at our

hotels have gathered hundreds of donations helping to save thousands of lives nationwide.

C R E AT I O N O F A L L - P U R P O S E M A N A G E R ( A P M ) This hybrid position was created in response to the low occupancies during the pandemic.The APM takes on the leadership responsibility for multiple depar tments to prioritizing the guest experience while offering team member professional growth.

R E I M A G I N E D J O B D E S C R I P T I O N S All Atrium job descriptions were updated to create more “utility roles”, expanding responsibilities across depar tments to ensure our hotels could operate most efficiently while creating great guest experiences.

E N T E R P R I S E S A L E S O R G A N I Z AT I O N Atrium's hybrid sales staffing model was developed with regional sales managers working remotely, selling for multiple hotels, and par tnering with proper ty sales teams.The new model maximizes time management, productivity, and cross-selling efficiencies throughout the Atrium por tfolio.

R E I M AG I N E D F OOD & B E V E R AG E Our sales, operations and culinary teams collaborated to create new menus and culinary standards to create exceptional food and beverage experiences for our guests while adhering to local restrictions and CDC guidelines.

C ON T R AC T W I T H C ON F I D E N C E Our flexible sales contract terms and interactive diagramming platform allows meeting planners to sign with confidence.These tools help our customers feel confident knowing they can adjust and plan for future events as market conditions change.

A L L - A S S OC I AT E Z OOM V I D E O C A L L S To effectively communicate company trends, performance, initiatives, and successes, our President & Executive Committee (EC) hosted a weekly Zoom “Pulse” call for all associates to provide updates on matters that were affecting our business and their lives.The call was informative with time allocated to provide business updates, celebrate hardworking team members, and allow our associates to ask questions directly to our President & EC through the channel they felt most comfor table – voice, chat box, or anonymous text messaging. We have continued to leverage this platform in 2021 with monthly calls to provide updates about our recovery.

T h e a g g r e g a t i o n o f m a r g i n a l i m p r o v e m e n t s l e a d s t o t h e a c h i e v e m e n t o f s u p e r i o r r e s u l t s .

w w w . a t r i u m h o s p i t a l i t y . c o m

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