Here are some guidelines to keep in mind should you need to withdraw money from your contract.
During the initial guarantee period After the first 30 calendar days in your first contract year, you can take a free withdrawal of up to 10% of the initial purchase payment you made. During each subsequent contract year, you can take a free withdrawal of up to 10% of the contract value as of the most recent contract anniversary. During each multi-year renewal guarantee period In the first year of your renewal guarantee period, you can take a free withdrawal of up to 10% of the contract value on the renewal date for that multi-year renewal guarantee period. During each subsequent year of the renewal period, you can take a free withdrawal of up to 10% of the contract value as of the most recent anniversary of the last renewal date. This hypothetical example shows you how much you could withdraw as a free withdrawal amount each year after you purchase Premier Voyage with $100,000, select a 2 year initial guarantee period, and when it ends, immediately select a 2 year renewal guarantee period.
2-YEAR GUARANTEE PERIOD 1st Contract Year 2nd Contract Year
3rd Contract Year
4th Contract Year Contract value on Renewal Date Anniversary: $112,486
Purchase Payment: $100,000
Contract value on Anniversary Date: $104,000
Contract value on Renewal Date: $108,160
Free Withdrawal Amount
A surrender charge is a charge that may be assessed against the amount withdrawn (beyond the free withdrawal amount) if you withdraw money from your contract prior to the end of the stated surrender charge schedule in your contract. See Product Highlights for more details.
Considerations • It’s important to note that your free withdrawal amount is reduced by any withdrawals you might have taken during that year. • You can’t carry over any unused free withdrawal amount from year to year. • If you withdraw an amount greater than your free withdrawal amo unt, there may be a surrender charge and the application of an MVA on the excess amount withdrawn.
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