Putting it all Together Accumulation 7 offers you choice and flexibility to help make sure your savings goals are being met. Determine the amount of money to put in your policy You can purchase your Accumulation 7 policy with either a one-time payment, or with multiple payments. Having more money in your annuity gives you more potential to earn a higher rate. You can add money to your policy at any time. The rate bands are based on your policy accumulation value:

Minimum Band

Up to $24,999.99

Low Band

$25,000 - $99,999.99 $100,000 - $249,999.99 $250,000 and above

Medium Band

High Band

Select your index options The interest you earn is linked, in part, to the performance of the indexes you choose. You may choose any combination of four equity indexes. Earnings based on index options are calculated using different methods, depending on the indexes you choose. You also have the option to allocate all or part of your money to a fixed account, which offers a guaranteed 1 interest rate.

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