Professional July - August 2022


To review existing products, services and business areas to establish those members value and where there’s room for improvement in 2022/23 Of the 379 respondents, 325 stated they were members of the CIPP at various levels of membership. We were keen to understand more about what members value and how we can improve our offerings moving forward. The survey showed that the top five benefits listed are the: 1. annual tax pack, including the payroll reference book and fact card 2. Advisory Service 3. factapp, including membership card 4. Professional magazine 5. statutory payment tables and BeKnowledgeable webinars. The top five benefits are aligned with the results to the previous question confirming that the main reason for membership is to keep up to date. We’ve invested in all these areas in recent years, including recruitment into the Advisory team, introducing the BeKnowledgeable webinars into the membership benefits package and development of the tax pack and factapp. We shall continue to invest in these areas to ensure they’re of the high quality and standards expected of the CIPP. The survey also showed the lowest rated member benefits are the: 1. member offers and discounts 2. continued professional development (CPD) tool 3. specialist interest groups (SIGs) 4. MyCIPP area of the website. In response to your feedback, we’ve made the following changes: Reviewed pricing for training courses Members receive a 50% discount off the Payroll Update, and £50-£150 off all other training courses. We work with several partners to provide discounts on services which will add value to you, either personally or professionally. Members also receive discounts off the cost of attending the Annual Conference and Exhibition, taking place at the Celtic Manor, and have a range of discounts off services, which are offered by a variety of industry suppliers. Details can be found at: Working on our CPD strategy and expectations of members This will include development of the

CPD tool and is linked to integration of our website and other solutions with our CRM. Further communications will confirm changes shortly. Reviewing and re-launching our SIGs We’ve identified the main purpose of the SIGs, which is to act as a support channel for members working within the same sector, facing the same issues. Our public sector SIG works well, so we’re exploring why this works and planning to replicate this in other groups. SIGs are excellent communities and enable a closed, secure, online platform on which to share issues and challenges. Offering new benefits New benefits are being added to the MyCIPP area of the website and the ‘ Maximising your membership ’ emails have been introduced to increase awareness of what’s available. We asked members about their use of membership benefits. The least used membership benefits are the: 1. Payroll Manager’s Book , which was introduced in 2021. Published by Bloomsbury and available to all members online through MyCIPP, this publication provides payroll managers with a useful reference of everything they need to know 2. BeConnected: National Forums were rebranded in 2022 to better reflect the networking and connection opportunities through attending the events. Following feedback, and the changes made due to Covid, these events will continue to be hosted online so they’re more accessible to more members. We’ll also host three face-to- face events in major cities across the UK for those who can attend, and who benefit from the learning and networking opportunities of being in-person 3. Policy thinktanks are roundtable discussions regarding government consultations to support our responses. Invitations are sent to Full, Chartered Full,

Fellow and Chartered Fellow members to ask them to attend. We’re working on our communications to ensure that more members are aware of these events when they’re running so they can contribute more effectively. Finally, we asked if there was anything members wanted to add regarding membership and, specifically, the benefits available to them. Some of the popular responses are listed below: ● more support for payroll professionals working within a bureau environment. We have started work on developing a payroll bureau SIG, which you can join online at: This will provide an online forum for members working in a bureau environment to come together and support each other and will include a dedicated event for professionals working within payroll bureaux. If you would like to learn more, please contact Mathew Akrigg in the policy team, at ● publications available in a digital format. We’re delighted that Professional magazine and the Payroll Reference Book are now available in digital format. We’re working with our providers to develop our system to identify those members who would prefer to receive digital-only copies of these publications and will be asking members to confirm their preferences. The payroll factcard is also available as the payroll factapp and can be accessed on Apple and Android phones. To provide a ‘picture’ of our membership base and investigate the issues faced within the industry, to communicate more effectively In the survey, we asked you to comment on the topics we cover within Professional magazine so we can communicate useful information to you. See Figure 2. This has highlighted the areas you would like more content in are:


| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 82 | July - August 2022

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