This is a sample of what an annuity quote looks like from a 24 year veteran of the annuity services industry. There are 8 types of annuity benefits available. You choose the type(s) you like. A Safe Money Singer Annuity Quotation might be the most thorough annuity quote to be found on the internet!
Harbourview Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity
Advantages Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA)
Principal Protection Guaranteed Interest Rates
Tax-Deferred Earnings Lifetime Income Options
The Oceanview Life Advantage
Rated “A” Excellent by A.M. Best
A.M. Best has assigned Oceanview Life and Annuity Company an “A” (Excellent) rating, with a stable outlook, reflecting their opinion of the company’s financial strength. *As of November 1, 2023. A.M. Best Company rating based on financial strength, management skill and integrity, but is not a statement nor recommendation to purchase a contract. A.M. Best Financial Strength Rating of A (Excellent) ranks the third highest of 15 rankings.
Oceanview Life and Annuity issues competitive yielding fixed annuities funded and supported by Bayview, its asset manager’s 25 years of investment management experience.
Bayview has a proven track record of investing since 1995 and will, through Oceanview Asset Management, LLC, manage Oceanview’s portfolio with an emphasis on high quality mortgages and other related assets. As of June 2023, Bayview oversees approximately $17.3 billion in assets under management.
Oceanview Life has developed a suite of high- quality, retirement savings products to provide financial protection and growth for our clients.
Harbourview MYGA Features Product Type
Single Premium Deferred Annuity with Market Value Adjustment (MVA)
Guarantee Periods
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 Year
Issue Age
0 through 89 (Last Birthday)
Minimum Premium
$20,000 (Qualified and Non-Qualified)
Crediting Rate is set at policy issue date for the Guarantee Period selected. At the end of the Guarantee Period, you will be notified that the contract can be surrendered, transfered, or renewed for another Guarantee Period for the then current renewal rates. Minimum Guaranteed Crediting Rate is 1%. After the first 12 months, up to 10% of account value is available for withdrawal without surrender charges, annually. Withdrawals in excess of the 10% free allowance will be subject to surrender charges and an MVA. Minimum Withdrawal Amount = $250.
Crediting Rate
Free Partial Withdrawals
A surrender charge applies to all withdrawals over 10% during a contract term and reduces your contract value.
Surrender Charges
Surrender Charge Period*
Guarantee Period
2 3 4 5 6 7 10
9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%
8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 9%
7% 7% 7% 7% 7%
7% 6% 6% 6% 6%
6% 5% 5% 5%
5% 4% 4%
3% 2% 1%
*Surrender Charges may vary by state.
Death Benefit
Contract Value (No MVA or surrender charges) or Spousal Continuation
A Market Value Adjustment (MVA) applies to all withdrawals subject to Surrender Charges. The MVA may have the effect of increasing or decreasing the Surrender Value of the withdrawal depending on market interest rates. The Product Disclosure provided to you at the time of the application has additional details regarding the MVA.
Market Value Adjustment (Not Applicable in CA)
Life Only; Life with 10-Year Period Certain; Joint and Last Survivor with 10-Year Period Certain (If Annuitized).
Settlement Options
Talk to your financial professional about a Harbourview Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity , and how it can help your future. The Harbourview Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity offers clients a guaranteed premium, guaranteed yield, and the benefits of tax deferral.
Contact Oceanview Life and Annuity Company: (833) 656-7455
The Harbourview MYGA (Generic Policy Form ICC19 OLA SPDA) is a single premium deferred annuity. May not be available in all states. A.M. Best Rating as of November 1, 2023, is subject to change. A (Excellent) rating is third highest of fifteen possible rating classes for financial strength. AM Best has assigned a Financial Strength Rating of A (Excellent) and a Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of "A" (Excellent) to Oceanview Life and Annuity Company. The outlook assigned to these Credit Ratings is stable. The ratings reflect Oceanview Life and Annuity Company's balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as strong, as well as its adequate operating performance, limited business profile, and marginal enterprise risk management (ERM).Policy form numbers and provisions may vary. This material is a general description intended for general public, educational use. Oceanview Life and Annuity Company is not providing investment advice for any individual or in any individual situation, and therefore nothing in this correspondence should be read as such. Please reach out to your financial professional if you have any questions. May not be available in all states. Policy form numbers and provisions may vary. Rates are guaranteed depending on the guarantee period selected at policy issue. For clients of our Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity contract, within 30 days prior to the end of the Initial Interest Guarantee Period, we will send you a notification informing you of the date the Guarantee Period is ending and provide the renewal rate and Surrender Charges in effect for the subsequent Guarantee Period. Excess withdrawals are subject to a Surrender Charge and market value adjustments. The IRS may impose a penalty for withdrawals prior to age 59 1/2. All annuity features, risks, limitations, and costs should be considered prior to purchasing an annuity within a tax-qualified retirement plan. Annuities issued by Oceanview Life and Annuity Company, 1819 Wazee Street, 2nd Floor, Denver, CO 80202. Neither Oceanview Life and Annuity Company nor any of its representatives may provide tax or legal advice. While care was taken in compiling this information, the Company reserves the right to correct any typographical errors that may exist. In California, doing business as Oceanview Life and Annuity Insurance Company. HARBOURVIEW ANNUITIES ARE PRODUCTS OF THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY AND NOT GUARANTEED BY ANY BANK NOR INSURED BY THE FDIC OR NCUA/NCUSIF OR ANY OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. MAY LOSE VALUE. NO BANK/CREDIT UNION GUARANTEE. NOT A DEPOSIT. MAY ONLY BE OFFERED BY A LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT. GUARANTEES ARE SUBJECT TO THE CLAIM PAYING ABILITY OF THE ISSUING INSURANCE COMPANY. Ref ID 2171562 1123 [HV MYGA] Oceanview - Client Brochure v1.2
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