Oceanview Harbourview MYGA Annuity

Harbourview MYGA Features Product Type

Single Premium Deferred Annuity with Market Value Adjustment (MVA)

Guarantee Periods

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 Year

Issue Age

0 through 89 (Last Birthday)

Minimum Premium

$20,000 (Qualified and Non-Qualified)

Crediting Rate is set at policy issue date for the Guarantee Period selected. At the end of the Guarantee Period, you will be notified that the contract can be surrendered, transfered, or renewed for another Guarantee Period for the then current renewal rates. Minimum Guaranteed Crediting Rate is 1%. After the first 12 months, up to 10% of account value is available for withdrawal without surrender charges, annually. Withdrawals in excess of the 10% free allowance will be subject to surrender charges and an MVA. Minimum Withdrawal Amount = $250.

Crediting Rate

Free Partial Withdrawals

A surrender charge applies to all withdrawals over 10% during a contract term and reduces your contract value.

Surrender Charges

Surrender Charge Period*

Guarantee Period











2 3 4 5 6 7 10

9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%

8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 9%

7% 7% 7% 7% 7%

7% 6% 6% 6% 6%

6% 5% 5% 5%

5% 4% 4%




3% 2% 1%

*Surrender Charges may vary by state.

Death Benefit

Contract Value (No MVA or surrender charges) or Spousal Continuation

A Market Value Adjustment (MVA) applies to all withdrawals subject to Surrender Charges. The MVA may have the effect of increasing or decreasing the Surrender Value of the withdrawal depending on market interest rates. The Product Disclosure provided to you at the time of the application has additional details regarding the MVA.

Market Value Adjustment (Not Applicable in CA)

Life Only; Life with 10-Year Period Certain; Joint and Last Survivor with 10-Year Period Certain (If Annuitized).

Settlement Options


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