Equitrust Certainty Select

EquiTrust Is a Name You Can Trust When you choose EquiTrust as a financial partner, you can rest assured your annuity contract is backed by conservative investment strategies anchored by a disciplined and diversified management style. EquiTrust is supported by a history of success, experience and strength. Magic Johnson Enterprises – a diversified consortium of business entities and partnerships – owns a controlling interest in EquiTrust.

Money When You Need It n C ERTAINTY S ELECT allows you to withdraw cumulative interest at any time without paying any charges. n C ERTAINTY S ELECT can be surrendered in the 30 days prior to the end of the guarantee period for its full value. Surrenders outside of the 30-day window are subject to a surrender charge. Surrender charges start at 10 percent and decline through the guarantee period. 1 n After the first year, if the owner of the contract is confined to a qualified hospital or nursing care center for 90 days or more, surrender charges will be waived during the confinement. Available at issue through age 80. n If the owner of the contract is diagnosed with a terminal illness, surrender charges will be waived for a withdrawal of up to 75% of the Accumulation Value.This rider has no additional cost. n If the owner of the annuity dies before the guarantee period ends, the beneficiary may elect to receive the Accumulation Value immediately.

Flexibility C ERTAINTY S ELECT is a fixed annuity that offers choices – choices in guarantee periods, choices in payout options, choices for the stages of your life.

C ERTAINTY S ELECT is designed to help meet your unique individual financial needs.

Withdrawals may be subject to federal income tax and a 10 percent IRS penalty prior to age 59 1 / 2 .

C ERTAINTY S ELECT offers guarantee periods up to 10 years. Your interest rate is locked in for the duration of the guarantee period selected.

MARKET VALUE ADJUSTMENT C ERTAINTY S ELECT contains a feature called the Market Value Adjustment, or MVA. 2 The MVA is applied to both early surrenders and to withdrawals that exceed the free-withdrawal amount.The MVA feature allows EquiTrust Life to credit a higher rate of interest to these annuities. Ask your agent for more details on the MVA, or refer to your contract.

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