5 If you or your joint owner is diagnosed with a terminal illness expected to result in death within 12 months, you may access up to 100% of your Accumulation Value free of withdrawal charges. The Terminal Illness Waiver is subject to a maximum of $250,000 for all company contracts. Excess interest adjustments may apply to BonusMAX, BonusMAX One, MAX XL, MAX One XL, and SuperMAX XL. For Jackson RateProtector, this benefit is available beginning in the second contract year and is subject to a maximum of $250,000. Market value adjustment may apply. For all contracts, a payment under the Terminal Illness Waiver is payable only once, regardless of the subsequent occurrence of the same or a different condition. Diagnosis must be made by a U.S.-licensed physician. The Company reserves the right to order a second exam, at its own cost, by a physician of its own choice. State variations may apply. Not available in New York. The latest income date allowed under the contract is the owner’s age 95 and this also is the required age to annuitize or take a lump sum. Annuities are long-term, tax-deferred vehicles designed for retirement. Earnings are taxable as ordinary income when distributed. Individuals may be subject to a 10% additional tax for withdrawals before age 59½ unless an exception to the tax is met. Fixed annuities are issued by Jackson National Life Insurance Company (Home Office: Lansing, Michigan) and in New York by Jackson National Life Insurance Company of New York (Home Office: Purchase, NY). Subsequent premium may be restricted in some states. We reserve the right to refuse any subsequent premium payments, subject to state applicability. These products may not be available in all states and state variations may apply. These products have limitations and restrictions, including withdrawal charges and possible excess interest adjustments/market value adjustments (MVA). MVA may not be applicable in all states. Jackson issues other annuities with similar features, benefits, limitations, and charges. Discuss them with your financial professional or contact Jackson for more information. OptiMAX, OptiMAX One, OptiMAX 3, OptiMAX 5, OptiMAX 100 (A740BP); OptiMAX NY (A740BPNY); OptiMAX NY Level Rate (A740NY); Action, Action One, MAX One (A720B); NY Action (A720BNY), BonusMAX, BonusMAX One, MAX One XL (A730C); MAX (A700); MAX XL, SuperMAX XL (A710A); Jackson RateProtector (ICC19 A520, ICC19 A520-CB1,
Jackson, its distributors, and their respective representatives do not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice. Any tax statements contained herein were not intended or written to be used and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding U.S. federal, state, or local tax penalties. Tax laws are complicated and subject to change. Tax results may depend on each taxpayer’s individual set of facts and circumstances. You should rely on your own independent advisors as to any tax, accounting, or legal statements made herein. 1 Guaranteed minimum interest rate (GMIR) will be declared each calendar year and will fall between 1% and 3%. Once a contract is issued, the guaranteed minimum interest rate will not change, excluding Jackson RateProtector ® . For Jackson RateProtector, the GMIR is guaranteed for the selected guaranteed period of 3-, 5-, or 7-years and will be redetermined annually thereafter. 2 Interest credited daily. Interest rate(s) in subsequent years may be less. Subsequent premium may be restricted in some states. Jackson RateProtector does not allow subsequent premium. 3 The free withdrawal amount is 10% annually for OptiMAX ® , OptiMAX 5, OptiMAX NY, OptiMAX NY Level Rate ® , Action ® One, BonusMAX ® One, MAX One, MAX One XL, and NY Action. The free amount is 15% annually for OptiMAX One, OptiMAX 3, OptiMAX 100, Action, BonusMAX, MAX, MAX XL, and SuperMax XL. For Jackson RateProtector, during the first contract year, withdrawal of 10% of premium is free. In subsequent years, the amount is 10% of the accumulation value as of the beginning of the contract year. 4 If you or your joint owner are confined to a nursing home or hospital for 90 consecutive days by medical necessity, you may access up to 100% of the Accumulation Value free of withdrawal charges, subject to a maximum of $250,000 for all company contracts. Excess interest adjustments may apply to BonusMAX, BonusMAX One, MAX XL and SuperMAX XL. For Jackson RateProtector, this benefit is available beginning in the second contract year and is subject to a maximum of $250,000. Market value adjustment may apply. For all available contracts, a payment under the Extended Care Waiver is payable only once, regardless of any subsequent confinement. The Company reserves the right to require proof of confinement. Not available on MAX One, or MAX One XL. State variations may apply. Not available in Massachusetts for all products excluding Jackson RateProtector.
A520NY, A520NY-CB1). Not for use in Oregon.
CMF17108 06/22
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