Wellness boosts Do you like quick and easy? Do you feel like you could use an extra boost of energy and nutrients? Try these wellness shots! They’re the perfect pick-me-ups for whenever and wherever—on the go or at home.
Balance Boost 1 packet AlkaLime 4-6 ounces water I drop Lime Vitality essential oil
Beauty Boost 1 scoop Inner Beauty Collagen ½ cup water 1 drop Vitality essential oil (your choice for flavor)
Energy Boost 1 NingXia Red Sachet 1 NingXia Nitro 1-3 droppers Mineral Essence Green Boost 1 teaspoon NingXia Greens ½ cup water 1 drop Lemon Vitality essential oil
Juva Boost 1 teaspoon JuvaPower ½ cup water 1 drop JuvaFlex Vitality essential oil blend
K & B Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 1 squirt K & B
Mineral Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 2-3 droppers Mineral Essence
Red & White Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 1 squirt Rehemogen
Down the hatch!
The Slique Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 1-3 drops Slique Essence essential oil blend
Turmeric Boost ½ teaspoon Golden Turmeric ½ cup water
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