Convention Recipe Book (EN)

Wellness boosts Do you like quick and easy? Do you feel like you could use an extra boost of energy and nutrients? Try these wellness shots! They’re the perfect pick-me-ups for whenever and wherever—on the go or at home.

Balance Boost 1 packet AlkaLime 4-6 ounces water I drop Lime Vitality essential oil

Beauty Boost 1 scoop Inner Beauty Collagen ½ cup water 1 drop Vitality essential oil (your choice for flavor)

Energy Boost 1 NingXia Red Sachet 1 NingXia Nitro 1-3 droppers Mineral Essence Green Boost 1 teaspoon NingXia Greens ½ cup water 1 drop Lemon Vitality essential oil

Juva Boost 1 teaspoon JuvaPower ½ cup water 1 drop JuvaFlex Vitality essential oil blend

K & B Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 1 squirt K & B

Mineral Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 2-3 droppers Mineral Essence

Red & White Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 1 squirt Rehemogen

Down the hatch!

The Slique Boost 2 ounces NingXia Red 1-3 drops Slique Essence essential oil blend

Turmeric Boost ½ teaspoon Golden Turmeric ½ cup water



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