Reliance Standard MYGA Series

Market value adjustment (Continued) However, your annuity value will never be less than the premium you paid, less any withdrawals, accumulated at the minimum guaranteed interest rate, 3 less surrender charges. 3 Please refer to the annuity contract for more complete details regarding the Market Value Adjustment. Nursing home care waiver To provide liquidity in the event funds are needed due to a health issue, you may access up to 25% of your annuity value penalty free when the annuitant or any joint annuitant is: • Admitted to a qualified nursing facility for at least one day following the end of the first contract year • Confined to the facility for 90 consecutive days, and • Both the annuitant and any joint annuitant were age 74 or younger on the Date of Issue. Issue ages: Age 0 to 85 Minimum premium: $20,000 Maximum premium: Age 0-75 $1,000,000 Age 76-85 $500,000 (Premium over thresholds above require prior approval)

Ownership requirement The owner must also be the annuitant, except in instances where a non-natural entity, such as a trust, is named as the owner. If there are joint owners, they must be natural persons and they must also be joint annuitants. Death benefit Your annuity Contract’s death benefit is payable to your beneficiary(ies) upon your death. Your policy’s death benefit will be equal to the annuity’s value on the date of death. End of guarantee period options At the end of the initial guarantee period, the contract will automatically renew into a subsequent guarantee period of one year at the then-current renewal interest rates and will no longer be subject to an MVA or Surrender Charges. Renewal interest rates will not be less than the Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate (MGIR). Individual retirement annuity You may roll over or transfer funds from IRAs or qualified pension or profit-sharing plans into the Reliance Guarantee contract. For more information, please consult our Traditional IRA or Roth IRA Disclosure Statements for a complete explanation of the options and distribution requirements of each.

3  In California, the MVA is subject to a further limitation; please review the contract for complete information.

Home office: Administrative office:

Schaumburg, Illinois 1700 Market St., Suite 1200 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 • (800) 435.7775

Annuities are products of the insurance industry and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), or any Governmental Agency.




This product fact sheet provides a summary of the features of the Reliance Guarantee 10: a Single Premium Deferred Annuity Contract with Market Value Adjustment. For full details, review the annuity contract. The annuity contract is subject to limitations. Proceeds may be affected if the age and/or sex of the annuitant is misstated at the time of application or if the contract is contested within the first two years after issue. For more details, please contact the company. Single Premium Deferred Annuity Contract with Market Value Adjustment Form #: ICC19-RSL-8374, RSL-8374-0119-CA, LRS-8374-0119-DE, RSL- 8374-0118-FL, RSL-8374-0119-ND, RSL-8374-0119-SD. Waiver of Market Value Adjustment and Surrender Charges Rider Policy Form #: ICC19- RSL-8338-1004, RSL-8338-1004, RSL-8338-1004-CA. Contract Does Not Pay Dividends (Non-Participating). All guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of Reliance Standard. Interest Rates Subject to Change. Rates Current as of 4 /2/202 1 . EF-3490


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