American Equity Asset Shield

Retirement Today Today’s retirees face a variety of factors unique to this generation.

Living Longer We are living longer. A retiree turning 65-years old today is expected to fund more than two decades of retirement. And, that’s just the average. 1

1 in 4: 65-year-old men live to 93 1 in 4: 65-year-old women live to 96 1 in 4: 65-year-old married couples one will live to 98 65-year-old married couple: 14% chance one will live to 100

Market Risk The reality is that most people planning to retire in the near future will be impacted by a bear market.

Historically, the average time between bear markets is 3.6 years. 2

Withdrawal Rate Risk The future value of investor assets, such as stocks, mutual funds and even bonds are not guaranteed. If a withdrawal is taken while the market is down, it will take an increase in value much greater than the decrease for the portfolio to recover.






Percent gain required over three years while taking income from the original investment


42% 46%


0% 4% 5%

0% 4% 5%

0% 4% 5%

% of Loss Withdrawal Rate




Example shown for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect any specific investment.


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