Liberty Bankers

Understand Your Policy Values

ACCUMULATED VALUE Your Accumulated Value is 100% of the premium paid and earned interest, less any partial withdrawals. There are no policy fees or charges. CASH SURRENDER VALUE BANKERS ELITE contains no permanent surrender charges or Market Value Adjustment (MVA). The Cash Surrender Value is the Accumulated Value less any applicable surrender charges and Market Value Adjustment (MVA). (See the attached BANKERS ELITE product disclosure.) All partial surrenders, except required minimum distributions from qualified retirement accounts, will be reduced by any applicable surrender charges and MVA during the surrender period. DEATH BENEFIT The Death Benefit is the Cash Surrender Value, unless the death benefit is paid under a Payout Option over a period of 5 years or longer or over the beneficiary’s life expectancy.*

* CA & FL residents, see page 5 for Death Benefit details.



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