
Is It Better To Have My Kid Not Play Sports? This is a frequent question that I hear all the time. And the answer may surprise you. I believe that keeping your kids from playing sports is not always the right solution. Why is that? There are several reasons: • Due to the high profile and significant concerns about concus- sions, in WA state every coach is required to complete concus- sion training. In addition, most school districts have specific and strict concussion protocols in place to detect and provide proper treatment for any suspected concussion. If an athlete is suspected of having a concussion they must be cleared by a proper medical professional to return-to-play. • Concussions occur in a variety of settings: sports, car acci- dents, playground accidents, and at home. A Canadian study showed that the second most common cause of concussions was playground accidents. When your child is playing orga- nized sports there is someone with training watching out for your child. At home, at a friend’s house, or on the playground, there is a chance a blow to the head can go unseen or ignored. In fact, I was sitting at a class about concussion diagnosis and treatment, and the physical therapist sitting next to me leaned over and admitted that she could remember at least one time her own son hit his head riding his bike. He likely had a concus- sion and she just ignored it. • In my career, I have treated more patients with concussions from car accidents, slips or falls at home, or outdoor activities than sports related concussions.

I’ve Heard About the ImPACT Test at my Kids School. What is it? ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cogni- tive Testing) is currently the most widely utilized computerized concussion program in the world. It is used by the NFL, NHL, MLB, WWE, US Special Forces, 7,400+ high schools and 1,000+ Universities throughout the country. Developed by clinical experts, ImPACT is a scientifically valid test to assist in the diagnosis of a concussion. It consists of a baseline test before the sport season. If a concussion is suspected a post-injury test is given and compared to the baseline scores. Most high school athletes in the area take the ImPACT test at school. At Washington Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, we offer both baseline and post-injury testing. In addition, did you know that Mike is the only ImPACT trained physical therapist in the greater Seattle area? He has specialized training in the ImPACT test and post-concussion recovery and treatment. Learn More at WWW.WAPTREHAB.COM/IMPACT-TESTING Got Questions? Interested in learning more? Have a group that would like concussion education?

Please feel free to reach out to us at: 425-820-2110 or info@WAPTrehab.com

Washington Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation | 6725 116th Ave NE Ste 130 • Kirkland, WA 98033 P: 425.820.2110 • F: 425.820.2111 E: info@WAPTrehab.com • W: waptrehab.com

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