ProtectMAX - brochure



ACTIVE INGREDIENT Cyazofamid. ................................................................ 34.5%

ProtectMAX Cyazo is a powerful curative and preventive Pythium fungicide. It controls all key species of Pythium, and is exceptionally effective in rotations on root rot, root dysfunction, and foliar blight. Harrell’s ProtectMAX Cyazo has a wide range of use patterns for golf, lawn, sports fields, landscape ornamentals and greenhouse/nursery ornamentals. FEATURES & BENEFITS • Industry-leading preventive and curative Pythium control • SC formulation with excellent tank mix compatibility • Wide range of use patterns RECOMMENDED RATES 0.45 – 0.9 fl oz/1,000 sq ft

FRAC GROUP 21 (Quinone inside inhibitors)

USE SITES: - Turf: golf courses, residential lawns and

landscapes, professional and collegiate athletic fields, sod farms, ornamentals in landscapes

- Ornamentals: greenhouse containers, outdoor nurseries and landscapes, field-grown bed plants, foliar or soil-targeted applications

#HPMTML | 1 GALLON (3.79 liters)

Always remember to view label for use rates and restrictions.

CONTACT FUNGICIDES Shake up your rotation with industry-leading multi-site contact fungicides from Harrell’s. From dollar spot to Botrytis, these staples stay ready as key tools for all your turf and ornamental disease needs.

Mancozeb Turf & Ornamental Fungicide PRODUCT INFORMATION

ACTIVE INGREDIENT Mancozeb........................................................................75%

A broad-spectrum contact fungicide that serves as an effective foliar protectant and a time-tested tool for resistance management. Mancozeb is an excellent rotational resource for the control of diseases like downy mildew algae with multi-site inhibition, copper spot, red thread, fusarium blight, slime mold, leaf spot, melting out, brown patch, and rust. Pythium blight, damping off, dollar spot, pink snow mold. FEATURES & BENEFITS • A broad-spectrum effective foliar protectant • A time-tested tool for resistance management • An excellent rotational resource with multi-site inhibition


USE SITES: - Turf: golf courses, sod farms, commercial sites - Ornamentals - Conifers


Harrell’sProtectMAX ®

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