Ebook Save Elephant Foundation


to ENP have the privilege of witnessing elephants interacting with each other in their chosen herds and observing the intricate network of relationships based around family groups. Elephants arriving at the park, often for the first time, have the freedom to form friendships and live without fear of punishment. During the day, the elephants at the park can be seen grazing in the fields, bathing in the river, playing in the mud pits, socializing, and caring for their young. There are several elephants who were born at the park and live happily in herds with their mothers and nannies, free of past trauma. Observing the complex communications and interactions between these highly sentient beings, with their unwavering devotion to their young - not just by the mother but also the designated nannies - is all part of the unique experience of visiting ENP. Visitors to the park help support our regional projects and ongoing efforts to rescue more elephants and improve the welfare of elephants in Asia.


provides educational programs that help visitors better understand the plight of the Asian elephant and the challenges faced in protecting this endangered species. The ENP model is based on putting the welfare of elephants first, which means no riding, shows, or other unnatural activities. This alternative approach to harmful traditional practices is growing in popularity, driven by an increasing demand from travelers for ethical, eco-friendly tourism. It is hoped that these more evolved programs centered on enjoying observing elephants in natural surroundings with limited human interaction, will continue to expand across Asia. 14 Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022.

Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022. 15

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