Ebook Save Elephant Foundation

Mahout Education

The mahout is personally responsible for the welfare of his elephant and lives in close contact with them. They feed and bathe them and keep watch for any medical needs. Elephant Nature Park feels that the mahout’s role as primary caregiver is essential to the elephant’s well-being. We are working to raise the profile of this profession and highlight the importance of good education. At ENP, mahouts learn ways to use positive reinforcement and mutual respect to control the elephant under their care. In reducing the work-related stress put on the elephant, we reduce the need to suppress his or her natural behavior. ENP’s mahouts do not carry bullhooks. Instead, they carry bags of food and work with the natural instincts of socially healthy elephants. ENP provides free English lessons and intends to extend veterinary training to those interested.

Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022. 41

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