FIREBREAKS B U I L D We build firebreaks to protect against forest fires during the dry season in an attempt to prevent devastation caused by fires.
HIRE LOCAL PEOPLE BUY ELEPHANT FOOD We purchase a lot of elephant food from local villages at a good price to help support their communities. We hire local unemployed villagers and provide them with jobs to give them financial support.
Our free clinic is staffed with several vets and nurses, working together to care for animals free of charge. We offer our vet services to anyone who brings their animal to us for sterilization or vaccination. We also have a mobile clinic to bring medical care to remote areas or whenever there may be an emergency call.
FOREST We plant saplings in the rainy season to reforest the area and tie blessed Buddhist sashes around the trunks of trees in the dry season to protect them from being cut down. RESTORATION
Since we opened our clinic we have treated over 2000 animals and provided vaccines to more than 3000 dogs, cats, cows, buffalo, pigs, horses, sheep, goats and others. The success of the clinic has been made possible thanks to the many people who have dedicated their time and expertise along with donated medicine, surgical instruments and various supplies. We are motivated by a desire to help address the many problems faced by animals through providing free treatment to local people who bring their animals to our clinic. We insist that dogs and cats be sterilized to reduce the number of homeless animals living on the streets. Our sterilization service is provided free of charge.
SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT We provide scholarships to underprivileged students from local villages to provide them with a better education, including accommodation and financial support.
Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022. 59
58 Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022.
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