Ebook Save Elephant Foundation

ELEPHANT FOOD BANK During the Covid-19 pandemic, Save Elephant Foundation (SEF) responded with an emergency Elephant Food Bank Program to provide critical support to elephants in need. With the demand for these resources growing daily, it quickly became evident that there was a need to develop sustainable long term solutions as the pandemic continued to compromise the ability of so many to take care of their animals. This will allow for the Elephant Food Bank Program to continue providing food for hundreds of elephants across Thailand for the next 2-3 years with the opportunity to extend the program with additional financial support. Thanks to the incredible support of GreaterGood, Trunks Up, the Centre for a Humane Economy, Future for Elephants e.V, along with donors from around the world, we have been able to provide 260 camps and approximately 2,000 elephants with food.

In response, we used a grant from the US non-profit, GreaterGood, coupled with donations to support the lease of land to sustainably grow food at three locations in Thailand.

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