Ebook Save Elephant Foundation

Another response to the Covid-19 crisis was the evolution of our foster care program. SEF partnered with two US based non-profits: Trunks Up (www.jointrunksup. org) & Gentle Giants (www. thegentlegiants.org) to help build programs supporting elephants in desperate need. The foster programs help to provide both immediate support of food and shelter during the pandemic to the elephants at the Saddle Off projects as well as elephants from trekking camps. The programs also create long- term change to ensure the elephants do not have to go back to work in abusive industries when tourism returns. These outreach programs have enabled Save Elephant Foundation to engage with elephant owners and work on solutions for long term change that provide a better life for the elephants and their caretakers. The support of Trunks Up and Gentle Giants has already reached 218 elephants and they continue to bring more under their care, where funding allows. 68 Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022.


Save Elephant Foundation Magazine 2022. 69

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