PILMMA Consumer Behavior Study 2023

APRIL 2023



While word of mouth is still king, many younger and conflicted respondents are open to using social media to research attorneys. Facebook and YouTube are the most popular platforms, but reaching younger audiences may also require using other platforms as well.


1. Certification is important. Getting certified if allowed in your state is a must! If you do not have the time to obtain board certification, then consider requiring another attorney in your firm to obtain certification. 2. Writing a book in your area of practice positions you as an expert in your market. Make it a part of your marketing arsenal. Distribute it to current and past clients to share with their friends and family and make it available as an e-book on your website in digital marketing efforts, and across relevant social media platforms.

3. Social Media ads, especially video ads are effective particularly to people under 50.

4. Referrals are still king. You should implement systematic marketing strategies and tactics that encourage referrals from your current and past clients.

5. Implement systematic Top-of-mind awareness campaigns to your past clients, including:

Newsletters Birthday Cards Holiday Cards Client Advisory Board Email blasts or texts monthly

Monthly calls during representation Client Service Satisfaction Guarantee Surveys during the representation to gauge your clients' experience with your firm and then responding to ensure they are more than satisfied. Provide videos for each new phase of the client's case, explaining what they can expect, and adjusting their expectations so they understand what's going on throughout the representation. Make excellent client service one of your firm's core values. Create a client portal that allows clients to stay in the loop on their case. 6. Attorneys should implement strategies that give the client a “Wow!” experience such as:


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