King's Business - 1958-04

How others do it



You Can Use in 1938

N o summer Bible school pro­ gram succeeds out of blind chance. The more deliberate the planning, the more meaningful the ministry. Here’s how some Christian lead­ ers across America have handled the problems of teaching eternal truths to vacation-minded kids. At the end of each section are quick tips that will help you prepare yourself for this ministry and sell others on its importance. Publicity Getting out the news of your pro­ gram doesn’t require a lot of money, but it does require head-work and leg-work. In Anchorage, Alaska ambitious members of the Swedish Baptist Church found the running gear of an old pioneer’s wagon in a junk heap. They hauled it home in a truck, oiled its joints and put a bed on it. Then they brightly painted the wagon and lettered a sign for each side to advertise their VBS. Several weeks before their Bible school opened, they parked the wag­ on in front of the church for the neighborhood to see. On the opening day of school they pulled the wagon t h r o u g h the streets, inviting boys and girls who were ready and willing to climb on board. Before they got far there was a crowd of kids on the wagon

“ It was the best kind of publicity we could get,” said the elated di­ rector. Nazarene Pastor Ellwood W. Munger in Eagle Rock, Calif, is champion of the community-wide canvass. His church placed first in division “ C” of Christian Life’s Sun­ day school contest last year. “ We use the lightening canvass,” says Munger. “ W e never go from door to door, but rather where chil­ dren are located in clusters. You

hollering to their playmates to “ C’mon along to church!” It was the most successful program that congregation had ever known. In Ceres, Calif., a VBS director capitalized on junior-age enthusiasm and energy to publicize his program. He organized the DOPIES Club on the first day and kept its meaning a secret. Su s p e n s e mounted. Everyone wanted to join. On Friday of the first week the appeal of the DOPIES

T his material has been prepared by the staff of The King’s Business in collaboration with the publishers of DVBS materials listed on page 36

can spot them. Eiids stick together.” Pastor Munger’s handbills all contain a puzzle. They say some­ thing like: “Write in the missing word in this Bible verse and bring it to Sunday school next week for a prize!” By providing these leaflets for his congregation he encourages even the most bashful of his adults to help blanket the neighborhood with VBS news.

Club reached its peak of excitement when the director announced with a flourish, uncovering a stack of handbills, that the DOPIES Club stood for “Distributing Of Publicity In Every Section.” He told them it meant that every member must help get out the news. The crowd surged forward, gob­ bled up the sheets, jumped on bikes and disappeared.


The King's Business/April 1958

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