King's Business - 1958-04

D V B S T I P S continued




(Eph. 5:14)

You’ll want to get your own church enthused about six weeks before the opening date. Here are some ways to go about it. In prayer meeting, ask the peo­ ple to pray for the director, the securing of good teachers and work­ ers, transportation and other urgent needs. Be explicit. Keep praying for VBS while it is in session, too. Prayer arouses interest and cooper­ ation as nothing else can. Insert one or two hard-hitting announcements in your bulletin for at least six weeks beforehand. Vary them. Compare last year’s attend­ ance record with your ’58 goal. List superintendents’ names, number of unchurched children and adults con­ tacted last year, mention any spe­ cial treats planned, print true testi­ monials of teachers and children whose lives have been transformed by Christ through VBS. On Sunday mornings have well- timed, peppy announcements made in each Sunday school department and in the church service for at least three successive Sundays. Don’t let superintendents do it all. Use pu­ pils in the older departments. On Sunday evenings enlist sev­ eral pupils from each VBS depart­ ment over a six-week period to make two-minute announcements in Sun­ day night meetings. Have them an­ nounce dates, hours and place— but encourage them to be original. Mail flyers to parents on your membership list. One week before VBS opens send invitation postcards to pupils whose addresses you have from last year. Addresses change, but you’ll get most of the ones you write to. Write to the pupils, point­ ing out the good times planned for them. Want to do more? Try a banner outside your church, posters in lo­ cal stores, public schools and civic buildings (no harm in asking!) and in the foyer of your own church. Give buttons, balloons, etc., to neighborhood children. Place news­ paper ads and feature articles, spot radio and TV announcements; make phone calls, visit door-to-door and leave doorknob hangers, drop hand- j bills from planes, arrange for a pre- ! school rally and registration and j give a pep talk. Pass out VBS sou-

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