King's Business - 1958-04

DVBS TIPS continued

C O M M E N T A R Y ON THE M k WHOLE BIBLE SB n L By Jamieson, Fausset |n9R and Brown PTuA A verse by verse com* «CyA mentary. For Sunday « 8 ^ ® School teachers«Chris* tian workers« Bible students« pastors and laymen. ^ “The greatest one-volume com­ mentary." Sunday School Times. 1347 large double column pages«' i i  Zondervan Publication r ORDER FROM YOUR BO O K 'STORE SAVE MOO (OR AS MUCH AS $3.00) before MOODY MONTHLY RATES GO UP!

rized word-for-word. Select some­ thing from your regular daily pro­ gram that your children do well and let them present that as their contribution to the closing program. Make them feel that this is an im­ portant witness for the Lord. Make it a happy time for the children. Let no less-talented child feel left out. Have at least two or three pupils learn the same parts, so that if a child with an important part becomes ill at the last min­ ute, you have a stand-in that can perform commendqbly. Let the children discuss who will do what. Encourage them to criticize their own rehearsals. Give them (espe­ cially the timid ones) something to hold in their hands, if possible. Motivate the children to pray for the Lord to bless the program and to invite people to it. The Follow-Through Even before the demonstration program is over and you have shaken hands with the last proud parents, start thinking how your church can keep alive the blessings and benefits of VBS. Everyone has worked hard to make the school a success and the natural reaction may be to heave a sigh of relief and say, “ Well, that’s over for an­ other year!” But don’t do it. The values you have worked hard to build up can be lost, or they can be conserved and used throughout the year to boost attendance, bolster morale and heighten enthusiasm in your Sunday school and church. How? 1) evaluate this year’s school; 2) file all records promptly; 3) keep samples of all materials for future use; 4) share results with the en­ tire church; 5) follow up new con­ tacts; 6) encourage pupils to join other church activities; 7) use new­ ly ^-found abilities and 8) continue to use in the Sunday school what the pupils learned in VBS. In everything, remember: if you depend only on organization, you will get only what organization can do. If you depend only on program, you will get on ly what program can do. But if you depend on God to work through your organization and program, you will get what God Himself can do.

By ELISABETH ELLIOT With 60 pages of thrilling photo- graphs by the missionaries and CORNELL CAPA “ A missionary classic . . . a powerful portrayal of a type of Christian dedi­ cation to which the modern world is a stranger.” — F r a n k E. G a e b e l e in , Evangelical Book Club 105,000 COPIES IN PRINT $3.75 at your bookseller HARPER & BROTHERS« N . Y . 16 McGuffey’s Readers After a long and costly search a complete set of the original 1879 McGuffey's Readers has finally been located, and reprints of these grand old readers have now been com­ pleted. Each reader is custom made from plates used in the 1879 revised edition . . . same type and bindings. You can now pur­ chase exact copies of these famous readers at the following low prices: 1st Reader ...... $2.25 4th Reader __ $3.25 2nd Reader .... $2.50 5th Reader .... $3.50 3rd Reader $2.75 6th Reader .... $3.75 We pay the postage on all orders!!! OLD AUTHORS, Dept. KB-48, Rowan, Iowa

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1. For one pen­ ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is­ abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2 . Our 300 orph­ ans need your gifts and prayers. I t you wish we will send you a bank mounted with a beauti­ ful wooden figure. 3« "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

Write to: The Korea Gospel Mission, Inc. P. 0. Box 291, Inglewood, California Penny o day bank


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