King's Business - 1958-04

himself by saying he wasn’t feeling good. I didn’t want to force him, so I went alone. The program was extra long and it was midnight when I got home. I was puzzled when I saw Casey’s cot empty and worried too because he had com­ plained about not feeling well. Then I found a note on my pillow saying he got lonesome and went to town. That puzzled me too, but I passed it off and went to bed. Being pretty tired I fell asleep right away and didn’t wake up until- six o’clock the next morning. I came to with a real bang when I saw that Casey’s cot was still empty. I dressed quickly and went over to Windy’s stall. He was just putting on his boots. “Where’s Casey?” I asked. “ Casey?” He looked at me curiously. “ I don’t know. Last time I saw him was just before I hit the hay. He said he was going to town.” I went out to feed the horses. When I came to the stall where I kept Deerfoot, it was empty. Not only was my horse gone, but my whole outfit. The truth of the situ­ ation hit me hard. It made me sick all over. Back at my stall I discovered he had taken the money I had in my suitcase. And Windy’s gun was gone too. “ That’s what you get for always trying to help every tramp that comes along,” Windy growled. It was difficult for me to finish my chores. I was concerned about my horse and about Casey. I knew how hard it could go with him for steal­ ing a horse. As I went about finishing my chores, I kept praying for Casey. I recalled how only a couple nights before we had read, “ Be not de­ ceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). I had tried to help him to see that he should accept Christ as Saviour and live a Christian life. He had put me off by saying he wanted to think about it some more. Now, I thought, he may have plenty of time to think about it in jail or reform school. The sheriff had been notified and had sent word to all lawmen within 100 miles to be on the lookout for Casey. I was sure that before the day was over we’d have news of his capture, unless he waited to ride under the cover of night.

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