King's Business - 1958-04

Inspite of the excitement, time dragged by slowly as I waited for news of Casey and Deerfoot. It came sooner than I dared expect. About noon the phone rang. It was the Sheriff in Cheyenne. They had located Deerfoot in a livery bam at Coyote Springs. Casey had sold him to the owner and caught the stage early that morning for Lara­ mie.

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I was glad to learn that Deerfoot was safe, and I was quite sure that before the day was over Casey would be in the Laramie jail where he’d be held until his trial. Right away, I arranged to go after Deerfoot. I borrowed the boss’ h o r s e and h e a d e d f o r C o y o t e Springs. It was getting dark when I got there. Old Jake, the owner of the livery bam, was a kindly man. He told me he figured Deerfoot was a stolen horse and that the kid was on the run. Not having any proof, he was in no position to do anything about it at the time, except to tell

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The King's Business/ApriI 1958


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