King's Business - 1958-04

SCIENCE & THE BIBLE by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D., Chairman of the Science Division, Biola College


PM.AY ACCORDION, ORGAN or PIANO IMAGINE a soul-satisfying ministry playing glo­ rious Hymns for Churcn, Evangelistic Campaigns, Street Meetings, Mission Fields or for Friends. _______ _ CLIP OR COPY COUPON________ I HERB JAHN,Box 147-B,Hollywood 28,Calif. Í , Send me without cost, your beautiful new 1 BROCHURE and T.Q.T. to prove I can play I ' Hymns through ÿour ILLUSTRO GRAPH | I method just as you have taught your other . I ADDRESS......... . V-.:........................................'....... I CITY, ZONE, STATE......___ ............................. I Print PLAINLY — ---- mention instrument you wish to play ___ Old Books Found What BOOKS Do You Want? W e specialize in searching for OLD A N D RARE BOOKS. Prompt service. Lowest prices. A ny subject. OLD EDITIONS, Dept. KB-4, Rowan, Iowa I 3,000 students now enrolled. i NAME....... ......................

Mixed Blood Types

B § ¡ 1 1 1 ticed by the ancients, as they believed the blood of healthy young sheep re­ juvenated elderly people. Their meth­ od of passing the blood from the ani­ mal to the human being through a quill was apparently successful in a number of cases, for symptoms record­ ed are those resulting from the in­ compatibility of human and animal blood. That more of these early trans­ fusions were not fatal is probably due to the fact that the blood was apt to clot before a lethal dose was admin­ istered. Before Columbus set out on his voyage of exploration the transfusion of animal blood to human beings was abandoned and the blood of boys was used in attempts to rejuvenate the aged. Later, animals were again used. In the 17th century blood transfu­ sions were employed in the treatment of various ills, including leprosy and in attempts to restore the insane. It was suggested that a reciprocal trans­ fusion between husband and wife might be an aid in alleviating mari­ tal discords. It seems that Blundell in the early 19th century was the first to use trans­ fusions for the purpose which is to us the most obvious, the restoration of blood to a person who has lost much through hemorrhage. Various men be­ came proficient in performing trans­ fusions, but all sooner or later had the tragic experience of giving to a pa­ tient blood that was incompatible. In 1900 Landsteiner and others dis­ covered the four blood types we call O, A, B and AB, and the fact that when incompatible bloods mix red corpuscles clump together. At last the way was opened to transfuse blood safely, but more than ten years went by before compatibility tests were made prior to a transfusion. It would now be unthinkable to give a person blood of unknown type, and hence in modem times vast num­

bers of individuals have been typed. Until very recently everyone tested fell into one of the four groups, but now a few cases have been found in non-identical twins where individuals are of mixed blood types. The blood type a person will have is determined in the original cell from which he develops although it is not established until some days after birth. In these cases the twins were destined to have blood types different from each other and at a certain time of embryonic life they had a common blood supply which transported cells from one to the other. Some of these cells established themselves in the other individual and set up shop, as it were. The cells they produced were of the same sort that they would have produced in the twin from which they came, and hence an individual developed who had partly a new na­ ture not his own. As we are bom again into the fam­ ily of God through faith in Christ’s vicarious sacrifice for us, we become heirs with Christ and receive a new nature. But as Paul tells us and as we know by experience, we still have some of the old nature and at times there is a struggle between our two natures. People of mixed blood types somewhat illustrate this by analogy. In connection with their birth they have been so intimately associated with another that they have taken on part of that other’s nature. In some Christians the new nature may be very evident, while in others scarcely noticeable. One of the twins was found to have more than 50% blood cells of the new kind, while another had only 1%. But regardless of the amount of the new natures received, the twins are heirs together in their human family, and so' we with Christ. These twins could do nothing about the amount of the new nature they received, but the Christian can sup­ press the old nature and live more and more by the new. END.

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. FAUSSET’S BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA and DICTIONARY by A. R. Fausset DR. WILBUR M. SMITH . . the most satisfactory . . ." $5.95 A Zondervan Publication ORDER FROM YOUR BOQK STORE

"If your Christianity won't work where you are it won't work a n y w h e r e — Vance Havner


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