Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller MUSIC LESSON
“ I’m thrilled every time my Moody Annuity check arrives!”
■By six-year-old daughter was look- •■■ing through a box of pictures where she found the proof of a family group taken three years earlier. “Mama, here’s a picture of our fam ily. Bobby is in it. Why is it here? He’s in heaven.” Mother stepped to Ardyth’s side. Her eyes sought Bob immediately. He stood at ease, his hands in his pockets, a smile on his face. Mother noted the swelling on that dear face—an indi cation of the nephritis which ultimate ly took his life. Her eyes swept over all the chil dren, nine precious lambs. Her heart momentarily stood still for longing after that which is irrevocably gone. For the first time within her memory Mother longed to go back those three years when all the children were under the roof, before death and high er education had broken the family circle. At this point the Word of God chal lenged: “ . . . forgetting the things which are behind . . . I press on to ward the goal . . .” (Phil. 3:13,14 ASV). The message took on new meaning to a mother’s heart torn by man’s last enemy. The events of a year ago swept in panorama over her memory. A short year ago, but at times an eternity. Then she remem bered Bob’s sufferings for a torturous month before his release. The tears were dried. He’s not suffering now, praise God. How can I thank Him enough for that blessing? George Matheson said of those passing through deep waters: “Thou art receiving a music lesson from thy Father. Thou art being edu cated for the choir invisible. There are parts of the symphony that none can take but thee. Thy Father is train ing thee for the part angels cannot sing. The school is sorrow. “ I have heard many say He sends sorrow to prove thee. Nay, He sends sorrow to educate thee. In the night He is preparing thy song. In the val ley He is tuning thy voice; in the cloud He is deepening thy chords. In rain He is sweetening thy melody; the cold moulds thy expression. In the transition from fear to hope He is perfecting Thy lights. Despise not the school of sorrow; it will give thee a unique part in the universal song. There are songs which can only be learned in the valley.” O Father, make me an apt student!
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