King's Business - 1958-04


day o f your

m a t e e a e r y

an exciting adventure,


as whole families explore

God’s wonders in His Word

Pupils learn by doing with the Scripture Press geared-to- the-times VBS course, “ Exp loring G od ’ s Wonders.” Throughout every activity—Bible stories, clever handwork projects, purposeful visual aids, songs, and even recrea­ tional activities—the wonders of God’s character, God’s cre­ ation, and God’s wonderful plan of salvation are vividly portrayed in an easy - to - understand, unforgettable way. With this 1958 Course you’ll find it easy to bring these truths home to every age... to meet vital needs in every life.

Exploring God’ s Wonders

Y O U 'L L FIND help in each teacher’s manual to guide you through every phase of the program. Nothing is left to guesswork. Com­ pare the Scripture Press VBS Course with others and you’ll see why thousands of successful schools have opened the door to community-wide evangelism with this course that’s fully planned, pupil-related, completely correlated, and that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. You’ll be right on target during the 1958 Geophysical Year with the theme, “Exploring God’s Wonders.” Courses extol God’s greatness ... the wonders of ,His creation . . . God's character and His marvelous plan of salvation. SPEC IA L INTRODUCTORY O FFER ! Act now. Get this complete packet ($4.13 value) for only $3.15. Includes 5 teacher’s and pupil’s books, 3 handcraft packets, guidebook, new publicity sam- pies, e tc.. . . all usable material. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. FREE GU IDEBOOK I Shows you step-by-step how to plan and con­ duct a successful VBS program. Send for it today!

Order from your local Christian Bookstore or Scripture Press.

O $3.15 Introductory VBS Packet (money refunded if not satisfied) O 1958 Guidebook FREE

Dept. KBS-48



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