Activities and Points Points listed are per program year unless stated otherwise.
Healthy living Activity Blood donation
50 each (up to 300/ program year)
Nicotine test (in-range results)
Virtual well-being coaching ongoing interactions
10 weekly (up to 520/program year)
Weekly log Sleep diary
10 weekly
25 weekly (up to 150/ program year)
Daily health quiz
2 daily
Fitness habit
up to 25 per month
Biometric screening (in-range results) Body mass index < 40” f or males and < 35” f or females
≥ 18.5 and < 25, or BMI ≥ 25 and < 30, with a w aist ci r cumfe r ence
800 400 400
Blood p r essu r e(systolic and diastolic)
< 130/85 mm Hg
Blood glucose Total choleste r ol
< 100 m g /dL or A1c < 6.5%
< 200 m g /dL or an HDL ≥ 40 m g / dL f or males and ≥ 50/m g / dL
f or females
Fitness Activity
Daily verified workout types
up to 50/day
1 Point per 1,000 steps
He art Rate (HR)*
5 Points for every 15 minutes above 60% of maximum HR 5 Points per 100 calories if burn rate exceeds 200 calories/hour
Calorie s*
P artici pating fitness facility*
10 per daily visit
Bonus Points Exceeded 50 weekly workout Points Exceeded 100 weekly workout Points
only one bonus awarded per week
First lifetime verified workout
Sports leagues
350 Points per league team (up to 1,400/program year)
Challenges Sponsored Challenges are set up by employers or Go365. Member-created Challenges are set up by members.
up to 100/month total for all Challenge-related activities
P artici pat e in a Member -c r eated Challenge P artici pate in a Sponso r ed Challenge
50 50
up to 3,000/program year
Athletic events (running, walking, cross-country skiing, cycling, triathlon)
Lev el 1 (example: 5K) Lev el 2 (example: 10K)
250 350 500
Lev el 3 (example: half-marathon)
*Calculating daily workout Points: Each day, Go365 will look at Points earned across all workout types and award the category with the highest value for that day. Points are awarded for one workout type per day. Week is defined as Sunday–Saturday. Maximum of 50 daily workout Points can be awarded.
20 Acom Integrated Solutions 2022 Enrollment Guide
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