Aquatria offers a range of eight choices of studios and suites, based on your preferences and needs. Among these, you can choose a studio style unit or a 1-bedroom suite whose surface area varies between 279 sq. ft. and 636 sq. ft. Each room has a private bathroom with a shower, a closet or wardrobe and a 24-hour emergency call system. Some suites also contain a kitchenette and a private balcony. All units are equipped with a keyless entry system for the residents’ security and individual heat and air conditioning controls. The monthly fee includes all basic services and access to Aquatria’s facilities. This includes three meals per day, unlimited snacks, access to common areas and the outdoor terrace, weekly housekeeping service and access to the basic wireless Internet network. For more information:
Crédit photo: Lexine Photographie
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Walls & Ceilings Specialists Spécialistes des murs et plafonds B u i l d i n g S u p p l i e s Bros . Morin
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