King's Business - 1913-04



any man serve me him will my Father honor.” His brethren despoiled him of his coat of many colors. Potiphar’s wife held fast in her hand the garment he had sacri­ ficed upon the altar of his purity and now the king invests him with a robe of fine linen, an indication of the spotless char­ acter of him who wore it. The king did not lay sudden hands upon Joseph simply because he interpreted his dream, but be­ cause he manifested such wisdom and ca­ pacity for managing the affairs of the kingdom. “Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?” The glory is given where it properly belongs, even by Pharaoh. The king was fully justified in his selection. With rare discretion did Joseph manage the affairs of the kingdom. He served his king faith­ fully and wrought for his best interests and ultimately saved the nation and sur­ rounding people from death and starva­ tion.

canny dream. The conscience of the chief butler knocks at the door of his memory and calls to mind his sin of ingratitude toward his benefactor. The way opens for Joseph’s release and brings him into the court at the psychological moment. Before Pharaoh Joseph stands like a prince and bears splendid testimony for his God. “It is not in me. God shall give Pharaoh an answer in peace.” Calm and confident, the captive gives his confession of faith in the Living One. “God hath showed Pharoah what He is about to do. God will shortly bring it to pass.” “And he made him ruler over all the land.” , Joseph has served his apprentice­ ship, he has finished the work given him to do in that lower world, and now God is glorifying him with kingly honor. “Them that honor me I will honor.” Joseph glori­ fied God in the prison and now God glori­ fies him on the throne. Jesus says, “If

“ Lord, Teach us to Pray” Luke 11:1, 2. ByjJoseph A. Richards.

Oh, the faith He begets And the praise He inspires, When I look back at Him With the love that He fires, And say, as I pray, Oh, “Our Father.”

Oh, the love in His face And the joy in His heart As He looks into mine While I’m praying apart, And says, “When ye pray, Say, Our Father.”

— S. S. Times.

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