King's Business - 1913-04



Recently the priests of Riobamba print­ ed circulars ridiculing and condemning the “Evangelists” and their Book, and had them distributed from house to house throughout the city. This we trust will fall out only to the furtherance of the Gospel for a few more noble-minded among the people have become disgusted with the gross methods of the priests to injure us and our work; and some have called on us and expressed their sympathy and regret that we should be subjected to such persecutions. There have been some interesting* con­ versions. One, a poor, illiterate widow who kept a small tienda (store) in which liquors of various kinds were her chief stock in trade. Shortly after her con­ version, she said to the missionary: “I am resolved not to sell liquors any more, because it is wrong.” And this in a land where drunkenness is a most common thing—even among the priests them­ selves. One woman was saved through the prayers and testimony of her son who afterwards died, and she was left for a time without any help or instruction. Later coming in touch with the mission­ aries she became a regular attendant at the services, and out of her deep poverty gives liberally for the spread of the Gos­ pel. Now another son is converted, also a married daughter and her husband. There are other instances I might give where the Gospel has proved the power of God unto salvation; and I would men­ tion just one more—that of a man in Colombia, who with his wife and chil­ dren, left his native village, and came all the way down to Guayaquil, seeking the missionary, who on an itinerating trip, had given him the Gospel. He seems to be a most earnest and humble follower of the Lord Jesus. You who have tasted that the Lord is gracious and know the peace that has been made by the “blood of His cross,” will you not pray for Ecuador where so long “another gospel” has been preached

and the people perish for lack of knowl­ edge. L ela E asley . Casilla 11, Riobamba, Ecuador, S. A. D r . K eller in H unan . Dr. Keller, who represents the Bible House of Los Angeles in the province of Hunan, China, in the course of a letter re­ ports these interesting items: “During a fortnight in November the men of this party visited 2556 homes,.and in these homes they had conversations with 9305 people. They pasted up 1094 Scrip­ ture text posters (30x40), they gave out 1013 Synopses of the Gospel, 967 Gospels, 4800 Tracts and 81 Testaments. This is about an average two weeks’ work. “In one village they called at the home of a family named Chen. The father is 76 years of age, has five sons, and, counting grandchildren, there are thirty odd mem­ bers of this family, which is one of the well-to-do agricultural families. Last year his five sons went to the ‘Sacred Moun­ tain’ to worship, and each one received a Testament from the workers of the Bible House of Los Angeles. When they reach­ ed home the father began to read this new Book, became convinced of the truth of the Gospel and began preaching, on every op­ portunity, to his neighbors, until they said he had gone crazy. He also sent one of these Testaments to an old and dear friend in Kweiyangfu, the capital of the Pro­ vince of Kweichow, urging him to read it. (This does not look as though the Chinese fail to value books that are given them, does it?) When he learned that our Col­ porteurs were preachers of this wonderful Gospel, he cordially invited them in and treated them as though they were his own relatives. He eagerly inquired many things about the Gospel; said that if he were not so old he would like to go out and preach this Gospel widely. As it was, he must be contented to use all his influence to lead his family and neighbors to repent and be­ lieve. “The same day the Colporteurs visited a market; there many heard the Gospel,

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