King's Business - 1913-04

The King’s Business

Voi. 4

APRIL* 1913

No. 4

The Resurrection of Christ A LL over the world the Church has been commemorating the Resur­ rection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Church does well to commemorate His Resurrection. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is in many respects the most important fact of Christian history. It is the Gibraltar of Christian evidences, the Waterloo of infi­ delity and rationalism. If the assertions made in the Bible concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ can be established as historic certainties, then beyond a question the claims and doctrines of Christianity rest upon an impregnable foundation. The Resurrection of Christ from the dead carries everything that is essential in Christianity with it. But if Christ did not rise from the dead, then a mere dream and its doctrines without solid foundation. Intelligent infidels and agnostics recognize this fact. One of the most brilliant of modern agnostics has said, “There is no use discussing the other miracles; the whole question is, ‘Did Jesus Christ rise from the dead?’ If He did, then it is easy enough to believe the other miracles. If He did not, miracles must go.” This is well said. It is indisputable. Fortunately, the proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is overwhelming. No candid seeker after truth can thoroughly sift and study the evidences of the Resurrection of Christ and come to any other conclusion than that Jesus Christ did rise from the dead. Any one who does not believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead either has never given a thorough considera- tion to the evidence of His Resurrection or else he has not considered the evidence candidly, with a sincere desire to know and obey the truth. Of course, with a great majority of those who doubt the Resurrection, the trouble is that they-have never gone thoroughly into a study of the sub­ ject. It is a remarkable fact that some of our theological seminaries are turning out men who do not believe in the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ as a historical fact. It speaks badly either for the training in those seminaries or else for the character of those who are trained. Any one who doubts the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead discredits either the thoroughness of his study or his candor. Our New President T HIS country has had a month under a new President. I t has been a month full of promise and achievement. Many who did not vote for President Wilson are rejoicing at the way in which he has undertaken his work. There has been a noticeable absence of claptrap and compromise. The President has had convictions and has stood for them firmly but without ostentation. The support that he has had from many quarters, sometimes most unexpected quarters, has been^ most cheer- ing Many are rejoicing in the fact that the President, Vice-President and Secretary of State are all elders in the Presbyterian Church, and in

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