King's Business - 1913-04


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The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Dr. C. I. Scofield, President Stewart, Superintendent Horton, Dean Torrey, mem­ bers of the Board of Directors, and Faculty, with some of their co-workers, of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Taken at Redondo Beach during a brief conference relative to our local and extension work, on the occasion of Dr. Scofield’s presence at the late Mid-Winter Bible Conference.

A Unique Gathering.

The Institute has many marked features peculiar to itself, among' which is the monthly Report Meeting. On the first Friday of each month the Board of Di­ rectors, heads of departments, workers and a few invited guests gather for a noon lunch. It is a family gathering at which time the workers give some interesting ex­ periences of the month’s labors. The more than thirty workers cover a large field of aggressive service and hearts are cheered and comforted and oftentimes melted at the recitation of God’s gracious dealings.

It is a time of delightful fellowship and the workers are drawn together in the closest bonds. The meeting always closes with a communion service and the Lord Jesus Christ is remembered in the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup. At the March gathering the reports gave evidence of large blessing from the Lord upon every department. Over one hundred students have been enrolled during the Fall and Winter Terms and the popular night classes are taxing the capacity of our present quarters for the evening lunches.

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