King's Business - 1913-04



of service in such a needy field and he looks forward with joy to the time when he can preach the blessed Gospel to the people in their own language. Take these missionaries upon your heart. TESTIMONY CONCERNING THE EXTENSION WORK. “Let me say that I consider this Bible Study one of the greatest things that has come into my church. The people are all taking a great interest in the study and it is showing in their work in the church. People who have never taken much in­ terest in any kind of church work are now, through this study, taking a very active part and attending the services quite reg­ ularly.” BIBLE WOMEN’S NOTES. At the weekly conference, and prayer meeting of the Bible Women a week be­ fore Christmas, the women all joined in a desire to give our Lord a special gift of a regenerated soul, before the. New Year. It was the last day, and the'woman for whom one of the Bible Women had prayed about especially had not been seen, but she was to be visited that day and must be won. Everything else was put aside and she was ready to start out when one of the stu­ dents telephoned asking to be allowed to visit with her that afternoon. After a few moments of natural rebellion the Bible woman consented and the afternoon ’was spent in visitation. At the last home a young mother made a perfect surrender, accepting her Saviour and Lord after the way had been clearly shown. When her name and address were given, the Bible woman had the great joy of finding the little mother to be the very woman whose name had been given her and for whom she had prayed, proving that “our disap­ pointments are His appointments.” The conversion of a splendid physician was the result of a lesson on the dispensa­ tions given in the home of one of our Bible women. The man, just fifty, dabbled in science and philosophy and at last ac-

FROM THE OIL FIELDS. Evangelist Sloan writes that the past month has been one of seed sowing amidst real difficulties. The weather was wet and cold, it took six days to cross the deserts from Olig to Coalinga. Nevertheless, the services of himself and Mr. Whittaker, his helper, were blessed in fellowship with the Lord, and they have the joy of knowing that the Gospel given under the strain of hardship was comforting and helpful to many hearts. Thirty-four meetings were conducted and one hundred visits were made. One confession of Christ and one backslider restored. We praise the Lord for these faithful servants and commend them to our friends for continued prayer. A NOTE OF APPRECIATION. To the Bible Institute, Los Angeles. Brethren: It seems good at this time, after having been refreshed, instructed and built up in faith and zeal for the Lord, by the very loyal and faithful ministry -of Brothers Sloan and Whittaker,;whom we have had with us here in Fellows for nearly two weeks past, to express to you also as being helpers and partakers in their labors, our appreciation and high regard for them personally, and of you and the efficient and blessed work (a work we know to be closest to the heart of Christ) you are doing through the Bible Institute. Very truly, Fellows, Cal. J as . D. G raham . NEWS FROM THE MISSIONARIES. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Youngken have reached their new home at Kijabe, B. E. Africa, after a long but delightful jour­ ney. God gave them journeying mercies. They made many new friends, saw much of this world and its need, and are now at work in the field to which God has so graciously called them. Africa seems a little nearer to us now. Von Klitzing writes from Pi Yang Hsien, China, of his safe arrival, and tells of his first efforts with the Chinese char­ acters. His heart is overflowing with grat­ itude to God for giving him the privilege

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