King's Business - 1913-04

The “ Scofield ” Books and Bibles



B revier 8vo, Black Face T ype Size 8x5% In ch es an d only 1% inches in T hickness. Splendidly p rin ted on OXFORD F IN E W H IT E PA P E R P ublished. 70 Fine G rain Cloth, round co r­ ners, red - edges - — :.............$ 1.50 71 F rench Morocco, limp, round co rn ers, red Under g o ld 'ed g es 3.50 73 F rench Morocco, d iv in ity ; cir­ cuit, round corners, red u n -, dor goki edges ....... ............ .— 4.00 79 A laska Seal, divinity-, -circuit, leath er lined to- edge, ’ silk : -sew ed, ro u n d . cornerà, red u n d er gold edges 5.00 OXFORD INDIA PA P E R EDITION Superbly P rin ted on th e F am ous Oxford India P aper. Size Sx5% inches .and only 1 in ch th ic k . A rem afk ah ly lig h t an d h an d y book. 78x A laska Seal, linrip, leath er iihed,t round corners, bed u n - der-goici edges, gilt ro le ..........$ 6.50 79x A laska Seal, d ivinity circuit, le a th e r lined to edge, -, silk sew ed, - round corners, red U nder gold ed g es .......,,,........ . 7.00 85x R eal Morocco, d ivinity circuit, . —calf lin e d to edge, siik sew ed, round corners,' red u n d er gold edges- 8.00 88x Sealskin, d iv in ity ' circu it, calf lined to edge, siik sew ed, found corners, red Under 1. g o ld . edges . ......................—-, 10.00 Interleaved w ith a B lank L eaf Betw een E very Two Leaves. P ublished Nos. . ■ r " a t- 285x Real Morocco* d ivinity circuit, - c a lf . lined fo. édge, silk séyed, •-ro u n d corners,bred un d er gold edges- .............— ---------.....,$11,00 W ith D ictionary of S crip tu re P roper N am es, Oxford Index, C oncordance, and Maps. 179X A taska Seal, d iv in ity circuit, . leather, lined : -to edge, silk sew ed, round corners, red . u n d er gold ed g es-.............:.......... 8.50 185x Real Morocco, d iv in ity circuit, ? calf lined to edge, silk seyed, .round cdrners, red u n d er gold edges .............................................. 9.50 SPEC IA L ED ITIONS. C ontaining in 'a d d itio n H elps compiled -by Rev. R. A. Tojrrey, D.D. H ow to S tudy th e BibieX In clu d in g th e B est T ex ts to use in. d ealin g w ith diffgr- r n 1 classes of people,: arid how to, use them . - , ' Oxford Fine W hite P ap er Edition. 70T Fine G rain Cloth, "round Cor­ ners, red Jedgeg ........... ............4 .2.00. Oxford India P ap er E dition. 85T Real Morocco, d iv in ity circuit,

DR. C. I. SCOFIELD Author of The Scofield Bible Correspondence Course. GALATIANS F iv e v ery helpful lecture's on th is very Im p o rtan t le tte r of St. P au l to th e chureh w h ich w as know n to be full of'^enthusi­ asm , affectio n aten ess, an d yet; above all fickleness.' P a p e r cover....:—....... ...,...15c T H E WORLD ’S A PPROACH ING CRISIS T e lls w h a t w m ay expect in th e n ear fu tu re; an d ,' th a t in th e m ak in g of h is­ tory today, pro p h ecy isJ' bein g unyejled. P a p e r- hover ................... ............................10e R IGHTLY D IV ID ING T H E W ORD O F TRU TH BY DR. C. I. SCOFIELD . M ore used of S od to unfold th e S crip ­ tu res th a n any book ev e r published; , P ap er 5c. L arg e T ype E dition 10c. PLAIN PA PER S ON TH E HOLY SPIR IT BY DR. C. I. SCOFIELD . T h er’sta n d a rd an d m o st com prehensive tre a tise , ev e r-w ritte n on th is v ita l them e. P ap er 15c. ADDRESSES ON PRO PH ECY BY DR. G .J . SCOFIELD , b O utline S tu d ies on Israel, T he K in g ­ dom , T he iGhuf'cli, etc. T h is .se rie s is fu n d am en tal to a n y 'r ig h t u n d erstan d in g of th e B ible. „ T hey clear u p a .m u ltitu d e . of difficulties, i P ap er 25c.

calf iinéd to edge, sew ed, ro u n d - dorners, red u n d er gold edges ............8,50.

Address all Orders to Bible Institute of Los Angeles.


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