Profile EN

As an environmentally-conscious business, Buddy Wood Chew is acutely aware of its global responsibility towards sustainable development. We commit to using 100% sustainable solutions, minimizing adverse impacts on the ecological climate throughout our operations. This commitment is evident in our decision to utilize the precious resource of mature coee wood. Previously, thousands of coee trees over 20 years old were discarded or burned after each harvest cycle. We believe that harnessing this valuable wood resource is a way to save resources and prevent waste. This optimizes the utility of coee trees while curbing spontaneous forest res and reducing potential risks and smoke emissions, contributing to greenhouse gas reduction and preserving the natural environment. The production system of BWC is fully engaged with 100% indigenous people from the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The entire production process is carried out manually. Therefore, BWC takes pride in providing stable employment and increasing income for hundreds of highland residents in the Central Highlands (including the Gia Rai and Ede ethnic groups), thus enhancing their quality of life in a sustainable manner. As a result, deforestation and forest burning activities by local residents have been signicantly reduced, contributing to the preservation of natural forests and ecosystems in the area.


Moreover, the benets stemming from BWC’s products also contribute to our development objectives. In the current market, there's a proliferation of pet toys, especially for dogs, made from non-recyclable materials like plastic. This not only poses a risk to pets by causing potential ingestion of foreign objects but also generates an immense amount of non-biodegradable waste. Dog chew products made from wood are environmentally friendly, safe, and leave no waste behind. They're considered an optimal solution for protecting dogs and maintaining the ecosystem. We believe that sustainable development, achieved by contributing to the environment and society, stems from even the smallest actions, implemented through strict standards and practices, rooted in the values and vision of the business.

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