Premier Specification Catalog


from concept to creation

Important things to remember when placing a You Draw It order:

ü Keep all correspondence within the original e-mail trail ü Double check all information prior to sending ¡ Must include all necessary ordering information: n Series n Door Material n Drawer Front option n Door Style n Finish n End Panel options n Any additional Modifications options

n For all hoods include complete liner information

ü Drawings must be clear ü Time allowance for You Draw It requests to be reviewed ü Any changes to the You Draw It request will be handled as a new request

ü If changes are necessary, remember to add all the necessary modification information from the original request ü Lastly, don’t forget to contact Customer Service to let them know the order has been placed so they can add your You Draw It product to it

Complete the form on the following page for all submissions. This form can also be found on the Wellborn Specification Catalog page on WAY. Please completely fill out forms. Contact your Customer Service Representative if you have any questions. Requests must be sent in one (1) week prior to ordering. Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. reserves the right to determine if a special product will be built. Approval of request is made on an order-by-order basis. Previous approval does not guarantee a future approval, construction, lead time or pricing. Only one product will be quoted per form, however, this does not affect the quantity of that product you may order.


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