Premier Specification Catalog


Wellborn offers a simplified price structure. Please refer to the detailed pricing procedure below to determine your new list price. See the Modifications for pricing details.

Premier Pricing Guidelines





Start with cabinet list price. For inset, add 15% to list price and round to the nearest whole dollar of applicable overlay door style. Select Species and calculate percentage up or down based on Step 1.

1. List Price

Find Cabinet List Price.


Calculate Upcharge for cherry (5%) — multiply Step 1 by 5%. ($1757 x 5% = $87.85) Based on amount calculated in Step 2, round either up or down.

2. Species Charge


3. Rounding

Round Step 2 to the nearest whole dollar.


4. Subtotal

Add Steps 1-3.

Add Steps 1-3 for new List Price.


Calculate finish upcharge based on total from Step 3. Do not round. Calculate percent based Modifications. If you have multiple modifications, add the percentages together and calculate based on Step 4 subtotal. Do not round. Calculate List Price based Modifications. If you have multiple modifications, add the list prices together. Do not round. Total amounts from Steps 4-7. This is your Total List Price including finish upcharges and Modifications. Do not round.

Multiply Step 4 by finish upcharge. ($1845 x 15% = $276.75)

5. Finish Charge


If Reduced Depth (23%) and Peninsula (60%) modifications are selected, add percentages together and then multiply total by Step 4 subtotal. $1845 x 83% = $1531.35) If Recessed Toe Kick ($96) and Matching End Panel Installed is chosen, add list prices together. ($96 + $519 = $615) Add Steps 4-7 together for Total List Price. ($1845 + $276.75 + $1531.35 + $615 = $4268.10)

6. MOD-1



7. MOD-2


8. Total


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