Upcoming Events for MADD RI
On Friday, October 7th, MADD RI will hold its annual Recognition Awards Breakfast to honor our partners in law enforcement, prosecution, education and victim advocacy. It will be at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, and tickets can be purchased at https://form.jotform.com/SeanCassidy/madd-awards-breakfast- Sponsorships and donations are also sincerely appreciated and can be made through this link: https://form.jotform.com/SeanCassidy/-madd-awards-breakfast- sponsor-form
Shannon Hegy of WPRI and Cathy Andreozzi, Event Chairperson and MADD RI Board Member at the 2021 MADD Recognition Awards Breakfast
On Saturday, October 15th, we will be having our annual Walk Like MADD at Pierce Memorial Field in East Providence. Create a team, join us in person or walk virtually. We hope you will rally with us to help create a future of No More Victims. For more
information and to register, go to www.walklikemadd.org/rhodeisland
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