
24 WEEKENDER Your Stars LIVE TAROT 09069 188 151 LOVE TAROT 09068 188 351 COMPETITION 09068 770 223 SCORPIO (OCT24/NOV22) 0905 506 6789 There are times in the past when you have put yourself out for the people who are refusing to give you any help when you need it. You wonder why someone is being so contrary and unhelpful. Even so, at least now you know that you have been used and if others have abused your friendship, you will be better off making new friends. A community effort will call for some far-sighted action. SAGITTARIUS (NOV23/DEC21) 0905 506 6789 This is not a good time for being secretive. You will be giving off the wrong message if you refuse to talk. If you’re asked about an opinion about a domestic matter, respond with honesty. It will pay not to beat about the bush. The more straight-forward you are, the sooner things can be sorted out. You might aim to add more travel to your life over the months ahead even if this is just getting out and about in your own locality. CAPRICORN (DEC22/JAN20) 0905 506 6789 You prefer your own methods but when others put forward suggestions on streamlining work, be prepared to consider these. Although you have other things on your mind you don’t want to be too quick to dismiss ideas that might make your life easier in the future. Besides, ignoring them might upset someone and you could lose out too by passing some good opportunities by. Expect a thriving social scene on the weekend. AQUARIUS (JAN21/FEB19) 0905 506 6789 You might feel you are letting someone down by having to turn down their request for help. This is a person who has become overly reliant on you. They can’t keep looking to you to pick them up as you always have and you can’t keep doing everything for them. Your own best interests and peace of mind are what’s important now. Do what you feel is right for you when you feel it is the right time to act for yourself. PISCES (FEB20/MAR20) 0905 506 6789 Your thoughts on a challenging assignment will be far-sighted and practical. Someone will doubt your reasoning. Be ready with facts to support your ideas. Other people will soon come around to your way of thinking once they have looked further into this matter. If and when you start feeling tense and touchy, a walk or a soak in a scented bath will help recharge your emotional batteries. Avoid sugar, fat and alcohol as much as possible. ARIES (MAR21/APR20) 0905 506 6789 A bonus or financial gift will lift your spirits. You enjoy starting projects and you will be keen to get going with something new. Needless to say you will be delighted to have the wherewithal, either now or some time soon, to turn ideas into reality. There’s a deepening sense of trust and permanency in a close partnership. This makes you feel closer than ever while still allowing you that measure of freedom you currently need. TAURUS (APR21/MAY21) 0905 506 6789 Pushing yourself past your limits will take its toll on your health. There is nothing wrong with working hard but you will be putting your mental and physical health under strain if you don’t respect the need to balance effort with relaxation. Seek help from a financial advisor if you are wondering about where you can make reductions. There’s a strong urge to look for unusual outlets for your creative imagination. GEMINI (MAY22/JUN21) 0905 506 6789 Since you aren’t feeling like your usual positive and outgoing self you might benefit from doing something that will brighten your spirits. Take some time off work if you could do with a change. A break from your normal routines will help you come to terms with any difficulties you are going through. Once you’ve made a decision you will be able to get on with your life in a more positive frame of mind. CANCER (JUN22/JUL23) 0905 506 6789 Health or financial problems are making you anxious. Remember: you don’t have to suffer on your own. It’s important to talk about your problems. Ask for help from organisations set up to help in specific ways. Releasing your feelings will feel therapeutic in itself. When it comes to shared budget discussions, don’t feel pressured into going along with a partner’s preferences if you feel differently. Trust your own judgement. LEO (JUL24/AUG23) 0905 506 6789 Unexpected hurdles block your progress. You have more strength than you might think to weather this disappointment. The key is to sort out a situation that has been a thorn in your side for some time. Just to please a friend who has expensive tastes, you could be persuaded to splash out on items you don’t need. For that matter, you may not even like or really want them and for that reason, someone who has more money than sense should be avoided. VIRGO (AUG24/SEP23) 0905 506 6789 You have some great plans for the future. These could be a huge success if you get started on them within the next seven days. Take time to work out exactly what you want to do and where you want to be. Share your ideas with your family and friends as they too might want to join you. The sympathetic response to a secret shared will make you glad you have finally come out with it. There are no secrets between you and your friends and partner now. LIBRA (SEP24/OCT23) 0905 506 6789 Rising prices makes it more difficult to meet your daily costs. You should not get into further debt to pay bills or essential living costs. If you’re struggling financially, extra borrowing will make matters worse. Seek help and you need to do this as early as possible. Whether it is increasing a term of a debt or re-mortgaging there are measures that can be taken to make life a little easier. Reach out. There will be no judgement. It’s important to get that support. By Russell Grant

November 16, 2023

Dave Sweetmore


Hard-hitting retro Swedish rock ‘Last Days On Earth is the third studio album by Swedish Rock band Svar- tanatt. The album offers eleven new cuts of hard hitting retro rock. Svartanatt was formed in 2014 by Jani Lehtinen (vocals & guitar), Daniel Heaster (drums), Felix Gåsste (guitar) and Mattias Holmström (bass). Jani had known Heaster and Mat- tias since they lived in the same city (Gävle) before they moved to Stock- holm. Mattias recruited Felix and later on Jani asked Martin Borgh (Organ, keyboards) to join the band, which felt natural since they already had been playing in several bands together. While continuing building on Svartanatt’s solid foundation of ’60s and ’70s influenced rock, the new album showcases even more varied and captivating sound- scapes than before, where melodic organ and guitar arrange- ments interplay with a tight, rock solid rhythm section, all topped with songwriter Jani’s unique, expressive vocals. The band say, “There’s a lot of doom and gloom on this album, at least in the lyrics. Faith in humanity, society and the own existence is nothing but a memory. But there has been no shortage of creativity and fun when recording this album. There’s a lot of classic Svartanatt but also an expan- sion of the sound. On the albums last track, Where I Belong, Lars Heaster (Daniels dad) has put down an epic trumpet that rides the album into the sunset. Magical, if we may say so.” With melodious guitars, heavy organ, high energy drums, groovy basslines and unique sharp vocals, Svartanatt create their own timeless rock sound that has been recognized around the world. n Alan Ovington’s Rock Zone can be heard 7-9pm every Wednesday on 103.6FM Tameside Radio (repeated Friday 9-11pm) and On Demand at More rock news at Twitter: @tamesiderock

Tune in every Monday on Tameside Radio

Stanleys set scene ablaze INDIE HOPEFULS: Stanleys have just released a new single.

Back in April, Stanleys were a popular band of the week on Tameside Radio’s Local Music Spotlight. Named Stanleys due to the fact they met and formed at Wigan’s Winstanley College, the four-piece band have al- ready cemented themselves as one of the most talked about bands on the Northwest music scene. After forming in 2017, Stan- leys, consisting of Tom Con- cannon on vocals, Jake Dors- man on guitar, Harry Ivory on bass, and Rob Hilton on drums and backing vocals, have al- ready found themselves play- ing at festivals such as Kendal Calling, Shiiine On, and Y-Not, plus many of Manchester’s iconic venues such as Man- chester Academy, O2 Ritz, and Albert Hall, as well as support- ing the likes of The Lathums, Inspiral Carpets, The Lottery Winners, The Sherlocks, and Jamie Webster on tour dates.

They have also completed successful UK tours of their own. Influenced by the likes of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Oasis, The Smiths, Blur, and The Stone Roses, they have a sound which combines all, yet with a unique sound of their own. Their songs are catchy and relatable, and tracks such as ‘A Better Life’, ‘Why Would I?’, ‘Measured In Gold’, ‘Time Waits For No One’ ‘Maybe’ and latest single ‘I’ll Try’ are already anthems which they will be playing to fans for many years to come. The band are currently on a UK tour which has seen them play to packed out ven- ues in Sunderland, Sheffield, Birmingham, Minehead and London, and will conclude a week on Saturday (Novem- ber 25) at their biggest head- line gig to date, at Manchester Academy 2. new jukebox musical, proving to be a delightful production of brilliant vitality, warmth and passion. Debbit Isitt’s witty and ingenious script weaves the era-defining classics around characters you grow to love. This high-energy musical bounds along with endless energy and enthusiasm, and as it came to a close, the whole audience was on its feet, dancing along blissfully. The show centres around family, friends and being there when it matters most - intertwined with lots of love,

The night will definitely be an ‘I was there’ event for fans of Stanleys and new music in general and has a brilliant supporting line up of Rosellas and Shade, two other amazing bands who are hugely popu- lar on the Northwest music scene, it really is a first-class line up. Tickets for the gig are avail- able on Ticketmaster, and at the time of writing this article, limited numbers were left. The future is looking bright- er than ever for Stanleys, and as one of the music scene’s most loveable new bands, now’s the time to get right behind them! Stanleys can be found on all usual social me- dia and streaming platforms, and their huge gig on Saturday 25th November at Manchester Academy will no doubt be one for the history books. See You There! Up The Stanleys. laughter and a last-minute getaway to Turkey! Whilst the fun of friendship is portrayed hilariously by the whole cast, a special shoutout must go to Jamie Chapman and Kayla Carter. The star of the show, Lucie-Mae Sumner, played Ella flawlessly. Her vocals and range were jaw-dropping and each emotion she experi- enced was well and truly felt by everyone in the audience as she brought the character to life. I Should Be So Lucky will be at the Opera House until November 25. By Daisy Dewsnap

Be lucky and catch a musical treat REVIEW I Should Be So Lucky Opera House Dive deep into the heartwarm-

ing and rib-tickling tale of Ella and Nathan - a star- crossed couple with wedding jitters and tropical dreams. Will their love sail smooth- ly, or are stormy break-ups ahead? Only time and tunes will tell. With only ten more days left to see this long-awaited Stock Aitken and Waterman musical, it’s undoubtedly one you won’t want to miss. I Should Be So Lucky is the

Calls to Russell’s Astrology lines cost 75p/minute plus your phone providers access charge. All readings are solely for entertainment purposes only. Service Provider: Russell Grant Astrology Ltd, WA15 8YL. Tel: 0161 784 0000.

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