Tech Report 2024

HIGH-TECH TALENT 18th 6th 12th 16th High Tech Employment in 2023 High Tech Job Growth (2019 to 2023) High Tech Wage Growth (2019 to 2023) High-Tech Talent Degree Grads in 2022 CBRE recognized Greater Grand Rapids as one of the top 24 emerging tech markets in North America for high tech talent*. Here is how we rank:

Source: CBRE Scoring Tech Talent 2024 *High-tech talent refers to industries and occupations predominately in the computer science and digital fields.

All numbers represent high-tech employment in 2023. Percentages reflect growth in high tech employment over five years.

Tech Employment & Growth in Comparable Cities

Boise 11,910 (1.4%)

Grand Rapids 16,320 (21.8%)

Stamford 16,350 (39.5%)

Des Moines 19,180 (5.1%)

Louisville 17,620 (-13.4%)

Colorado Springs 20,160 (12.3%)

Oklahoma City 23,300 (8.6%)

Huntsville 25,910 (17.9%)

Birmingham 16,570 (3.7%)

Tucson 16,710 (0.8%)

Source: CBRE Scoring Tech Talent 2024




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