King's Business - 1919-04



the puncture of a pin, and the longest but as a moment—not worthy to he compared with the “far more exceed­ ing and eternal weight of glory.” (Rom. 8:18). Earth never wore a diadem so royal as that composed of risen saints. The eloquence of all antiquity, or mod­ ern times, has furnished no description equal to this conclusion of the pro­ phecy; a scene so imposing, majestic and impressive; so sanctifying and sublime; so Solemn and subduing! We have seen the rainbow braided on the brow of the dying storm, but here a glory-crown of saints, the jeweled dia­ dem of God, is placed upon the head of the dark Tribulation itself—a vision that can never vanish from the soul of the believer. How quick the transit from the cross to the crown, from shame to honor, from suffering to glory! The end of the “Warfare Great” is the outburst of an illumination which celebrates a victory for the Kingdom of God that is everlasting. Time can­ not dim its brightness. Eternity will only enhance its greatness.—Rev. Na­ thaniel West, D.D.

of the resurrection and its different degrees of glory, “Then shall the right­ eous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matthew 13:43). “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead.” (1 Cor. 15:41-42). An instance of the reality, we have in the Transfiguration of the Lord in the “holy mount,” when “His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light,” (Matthew 17:2). What the angel teaches is that the wise shall shine like the crystal sheen of a sunlit firmament, and the converters of the many to righteousness shall glow with the glitter of the stars in a cloudless canopy. Still more, their effulgence shall be eternal—a glory unohscured forever, (Daniel 12:3). This their Zohar. Degrees of glory there will be, even as the three in Orion’s belt excel in magnitude and glory the lesser stars of the constellation. The transfigura­ tion of the living will equal that of the dead. The Lord extends the splendor to all the “righteous.-” (Matthew 13:43-). Allusion is here doubtless to thé Maccabean teachers of the law, in (11:33-35), hut the prophecy includes the whole sacramental host of God’s elect, who share the glory ready to be revealed. All who are instrumental in the salvation of the many will be clothed with a surpassing brightness. Eminent, the martyrs of Jesus will shine, saints who have not deemed as dear to them their lives, for Jesus’ sake. (Rev. 20:4; 14:13; 2 Thess. 1:5; Heb. 11:39-39; Rev. 12:11; 2 Tim. 4:6-8). Such the “out-resurrection.” (Phil. 3:11). If a splendor so great and enduring, for the body alone—even to be glorified like Christ, whose brightness Paul tells us eclipsed the noonday sun—is the reward of a Tribulation so brief, then indeed the sorest afflictions are but as

MRS. CHA S. ALEXANDER Founder of Pocket Testament League

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