King's Business - 1919-04

L J BIBLE IN ST ITU TE H A P P EN IN G S U 1 Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students s

The students of the Institute have profited greatly during the past month in having the opportunity to attend the Torrey-Alexander evangelistic meetings held in the Institute auditorium. As the result of their earnest personal work, many have been brought to take their stand on the truths of salvation as proclaimed by Dr. Torrey. The attendance throughout the meetings has been remarkable and the fact that hun­ dreds of tourists have been in attend­ ance means that scores of people will go back to their homes throughout the country saved to serve. Noonday meetings have been held by Mr. Alexander and his helpers each day at Biola Hall. The auditorium has been filled each day with busy men and women and Mr. Alexander has urged the work of the Pocket Testament League until practically every man in touch with the meetings has armed himself with a Testament, and many have invested in a supply of Testaments with which to enlist others in the league. Every day reports were given of those enlisted in the league and the encouraging feature was the number of testimonies regarding men and women who had not merely signed up to read their Testament daily, but who had received Christ as their personal Savior. The results of the P. T. L. in Los An­ geles have amply demonstrated to the Bible Institute workers and students that the most successful method of win­ ning men to Christ is to get them to drink the waters of salvation from the pure stream, and it is safe to say that more money will hereafter he invested in Testaments and less in other printed matter. $ $ * Rev. J. C. Stillion has assumed his

work as superintendent of men of the Bible Institute, succeeding Mr. Bald­ win whose resignation was received some time ago. Rev. Reuben Torrey, Jr., who was expected to succeed Mr. Baldwin was called back to China. Mr. Stillion is a graduate of William Jewell College and of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. For two years he was one of the instructors of the Cedar Valley Seminary in Iowa, and later a member of the faculty of the Bible School at Binghamp'ton, N. Y. He has since that served the Baptist Taber­ nacle at Augusta, Ga., and the Baptist Church at Winters, Tex. During the war he took up work with the Army Y. M. C. A.

REV. J. C. STILLION, Supt. of Men

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