King's Business - 1919-04

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Urging the Testament League We are constantly trying to discover new methods of presenting old truths to men. % Paul’s ambition was to be made all things to all men that he might by all means save some, and SHOP we are sure, as evil men wax WORK worse and worse in these perilous times that our “old sweet story” must be more attractively presented to constrain men to taste and see that the Lord is gracious and win them to Himself. We must be always “on the job,” putting the message over to them before the night closes in when no man can work, and with this end in view we have been working along the line of the definite personal touch in place of conducting the regular shop meetings as in the past. In this way we have been able to discover just where men are hiding away from God and His Christ, and through the Spirit s power, tear away the fig leaves of mere professionalism, getting down to bed rock, using the Sword of the Spirit— which is the Word of God—to bring this about. We have discovered in clearing away much rubbish which has a most marvel­ lous way of accumulating, particularly in our beautiful “City of the Angels,” some really good fertile soil where the seed of life takes root. Under the inspiration of the Pocket Testament League many men h^ve signed up to constantly carry and daily read the Word of God, and. some have professed to believe and receive Christ Jesus' as their own personal Saviour and Lord. Many interesting experiences have come to us during the past few weeks. Men are verv grateful and appreciative for the gift of this beautiful little Pocket Testament, and our greatest embarrassment is nqt in securing sig­ natures for we have never had one sin­ gle repulse, but in securing the where­ withal with which to purchase the books for the men. We would most gladly

314 Many indoor and outdoor meetings have been held at which large numbers of Jews have been reached with the Gospel. On the Jewish Day of Atone­ ment we had the opportunity of preach­ ing to great crowds of Jews, and on that occasion received a baptism of stones and over-ripe tomatoes. Many interesting conversions have been reported and severest persecution has been the lot of some who have dared to believe in and confess as their Sav­ iour the despised Nazarene. The work among the Jewish children has been very successful, and some of these little ones have been led into a definite ac­ ceptance of Jesus Christ during the past year. When forced to close our Jewish Bible School by reason of the influenza epidemic, we had an average attendance of 35 or 40. Many Jewish visitors have been enter­ tained at our Mission Home, and with­ out exception all have had Christ’s claims presented to them and in this way some have been led into the truth. Personal letters have been written in large numbers to prominent Jews who could not be reached by interview, and four or five Jewish rabbis have been dealt with, and we are praying and hop­ ing that the seed thus sown shall yield a good harvest. The house to house and store to store visitation work has been, perhaps, the most fruitful in con­ versions, and in this way vast quantities of Christian literature are distributed. One of our Jewish converts is at present taking the Bible Institute train­ ing course preparatory to going as a missionary to her own people. Influenza has taken a heavy toll of Jewish lives and many of these victims have been Jews to whom we have pre­ sented the claims of Christ. Two of these received Christ as their Saviour before answering the summons of death. —James'A. Vaus, Supt.

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